If your company uses Marketman for stock control, sales from Centegra Plus can be fetched by Marketman at regular intervals throughout the day using the Centegra Plus API.
For more information on this integration, Contact Centegra.
The Marketman integration is configured on a companywide basis.
For any new Marketman Integration, Centegra will generate and provide the relevant API credentials required for Marketman to access sales data for your company.
Once the API access has been granted, all information required to enable the integration within Marketman is available via the API.
Troubleshooting & FAQs
When Is Data Sent To Marketman?
Marketman fetch data from Centegra Plus at regular intervals throughout the day.
These intervals are determined by Marketman. For further information, please contact Marketman.
Sales Are Missing In Marketman
If sales are missing in Marketman, first Click Here to check that the Centegra Plus API is fully operational.
Next, check to make sure that Marketman are still able to access your sales data. To do this:
- Head to Company Settings > External Access & FTP > API Secure Keys.
- Locate Marketman in the list, and check that the API key is enabled. (For more details, Click Here.)
Finally, if the Centegra Plus API is fully operational and the API key is enabled, Marketman have access to the data. Therefore, please contact Marketman to investigate further.
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