Access the Time Clocks section via: User Management > Time Clocks.
All time clocks in Open Shift and Closed Shift state are shown by default when accessing this section.
If required, you can filter the list to see specific time clock records by using the following filters within the Search panel at the top of the section:
- Date Range: Search for time clocks with a clock in or out time within the selected date range.
- Name: Search for time clocks based on the name of the team member (of part of).
- Employee Number*: Search for time clocks based on the employee number (or part of).
- States: Search for time clocks in the selected state(s).
- Job Role: Search for time clocks assigned to the job role name entered, if applicable.
- POS Code*:Search for time clocks based on the POS Code (or part of).
- Show Deleted: Select to include deleted time clock records in the results.
- Location: Search for time clocks against the selected location(s). If blank, all locations are included.
* Note that depending on company configuration, only one of these options may be available to use.
Select [SEARCH] and all time clocks which meet your search criteria will be listed in date order.
The time clocks list shows the following:
- Name: Displays the team member name that the time clock relates to.
- Location Name: Displays the location that the time clock record is recorded against.
- Role Name: Displays the job role that the team member worked during the shift, if applicable.
- Clock In Date: Displays the clock in date. This can be edited if required.
- Clock Out Date: Displays the clock out date if the shift has ended. This can be edited if required.
- Hours: Displays the number of hours worked based on the clock in date and clock out date.
- State: Displays the state that the time clock is currently in.
- Breaks: Displays the total time of breaks recorded within the shift.
By default 10 records will show per page. To access other pages, use the page selector in the bottom right corner of the list.
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