Access the Production Plans section via: Digital Kitchen Management > Production Planner > Production Plans.
All production plans are shown by default when accessing this section.
If required, you can filter the list to see specific production plans, by using the following filters within the Search panel at the top of the section:
- Production Plan Name: Search for production plans based on the name (or part of).
- Sales Date: Search for production plans associated within a specific sales date.
- Day(s) Of Week: Search for production plans associated with a specific day(s) of the week.
- State(s): Search for production plans in the selected state(s).
Select [SEARCH], and all production plans which meet your search criteria will be listed.
The production plan shows the following:
- Production Plan Name: Displays the name of the production plan.
- Sales Date: Displays the sales date of the production plan.
- Day Of Week: Displays the day of the week that the sale date falls on.
- State: Displays the state that the production plan is currently in.
By default 10 records will show per page. To access other pages, use the page selector in the bottom right corner of the list. You can adjust the number of customers shown per page towards the top left.