Production plans are specific to each site, and must be configured to specify:
- The date range for which past sales are considered for when generating quantities within plans.
- The setup of each section within the plan.
Once a production plan has been configured against a site, it will start to automatically create against the site starting the following day.
Configuring A New Production Plan
Before Configuring A New Production Plan
A production plan is configure using several elements, therefore before configuring a new production plan, the following need to be configured:
- Product Family: A Product Family is set against each section of the production plan. The product family should contain the products that need to be displayed in that section of the plan. If your plan has is to have multiple sections with different products, you will need multiple families.
- Production Period: A Production Planner Period is specified for each section of the production plan. The planner period should specify the display style of that section of the plan, and should contain the time slots that the section of the plan is broken down in to.
Configuring A New Production Plan
To configure a new production plan:
- Head to Digital Kitchen Management > Production Planner > Setup > Planner Setup.
Within the New Production Plan Config page:
- Production Plan Name: Enter a name for the production plan.
- Active: Specify whether or not the production plan is active. If active, daily production plans based on the setup defined in this section will create automatically each day.
- Previous Period 1: Select which range of data to use when calculating the 'Previous Period 1' figures within the production plan. It is this range which is used to populate the planned quantities against products within the production plan.
- Previous Period 2: Select which range of data to use when calculating the 'Period Period 2' figures within the production plan. Typically this is a more recent range, and is shown in the plan for information purposes only along side the 'Period Period 1' figure above.
Select [SAVE].
You'll then be taken into the Production Plan Config page where you can define the sections shown within the plan.
To add a new section to the plan, select [NEW PRODUCTION PLAN SECTION].
In the New Production Plan Section window, enter:
- Section Name: Enter a name for the section to be displayed at the top of the section in the plan.
- Product Family: Select the product family that contains products that should be displayed within this section of the plan.
- Production Period: Select the product planner period that determines the layout of this section of the plan, as well as the time slots that data is based on and split into within this section of the plan.
- Production Product Type: Select from the following options:
- Pre-prepared Items: Select this if this section of the plan should display quantities based on the sales of products available within the selected product family.
- Ingredient Items: For companies using the Inventory Management module, select this if this section of the plan should display quantities based on sales of products that use the products within the selected product family as an ingredient.
Select [SAVE].
Repeat the process to add additional section within the production plan configuration.
Once all section of the plan are configured, select [SAVE].
Related Production Plan Settings
In addition to the configuration of individual production plans, settings can be defined elsewhere which production plans inherit. These settings include:
Site Settings
Within the Site Configuration tab of the Site Setup page, the following production planner settings are available to define for the site:
- Production Plan Days Ahead: Enter the number of days in advance that a production plan should automatically create. This can be between 1 and 7 days.
Product Settings
Within the Product Details tab of the Product Setup page, the following production planner product settings are available within the Production Settings section:
- Stocking Size Rounding: If the products Display Unit is set to Stocking, this determines the number of decimal places quantities of this product are rounded to within the production planner.
- Receiving Size Rounding: If the products Display Unit is set to Receiving, this determines the number of decimal places quantities of this product are rounded to within the production planner.
To save any changes, select [SAVE & EXIT].
Creating A Test Production Plan
If required, you can create a test plan for tomorrows date to see what the plan will look like based on the production plan configuration. The plan does not need to be marked as "Active" to do this.
To create a test plan, once the plan configuration has been saved, against the plan within the Planner Setup section select [CREATE PLAN FOR TOMORROW].
After a few seconds you should see a message displaying "Success", and a sample plan will be available to view within the main Production Plans section.
Sample plans can be deleted and recreated if needed, whilst updating the plan configuration.
Editing An Existing Production Plan Configuration
To edit an existing production planner configuration:
- Head to Digital Kitchen Management > Production Planner > Setup > Planner Setup.
- Against the existing production planner configuration, select [EDIT].
All settings available when creating the production planner configuration as covered in the Previous Section are available to edit against an existing production planner configuration.
Searching Production Plan Configurations
Access Production Planner Configuration via: Digital Kitchen Management > Production Planner > Setup > Planner Setup.
All production planner configurations for the site that you are logged in to are shown by default when accessing this section.
There is no option to perform a search to narrow down the list in this section currently.
The production planner configuration list shows the following:
- Name: The name of the production plan.
- Active: Displays whether or not the production plan is currently active.
Deleting Production Plan Configurations
A production planner configuration can be deleted if the production plan is no longer required.
You can only delete a production planner configuration if you have rights to do so. Click Here if you do not have rights to delete but believe you should.
To delete a production planner configuration:
- Head to Digital Kitchen Management > Production Planner > Setup > Planner Setup.
- Locate the required production planner configuration and select [EDIT].
Within the production planner configuration page:
- Select [DELETE].
- Confirm the deletion.
The production plan configuration is now marked as deleted.
This is a hard delete; the production planner configuration cannot be recovered.
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