Access the Menu Publication section via: Menu Management > Menu Publications.
All menu publications associated with the site will show by default when accessing this section.
If required, you can filter the list to see specific menu publications by using the following filters within the Search panel at the top of the section:
- Publication Date: Select for menu publications within the selected date range.
- Menu Name: Search for menu publications of selected menus(s).
- Menu Destinations: Search for menus to selected menu destination(s).
Note then when logged into the Head Office site, visibility of menu publications across all sites is available, therefore an additional site picker is available within the search filters section.
Select [SEARCH], and all menu publications which meet your search criteria will be listed.
The menu publications list shows the following:
- Menus: Displays the names of the menus published.
- Site: Displays the site that the menu was published for.
- Location: Displays the location (within the site) that the menu was published for.
- Destination: Displays the destination that the menu was published to.
- Publication Date & Time: Displays the date and time that the menu is to go live.
- Published By: Displays the user that published the menu.
- API Status: Displays the status of the publication. (Note that it can take up to one minute for the API status of a menu publication to update once the menu publication has been added.)
By default 10 records will show per page. To access other pages, use the page selector in the bottom right corner of the list.
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