Supplier catalogues can be imported and managed against a supplier, which will restrict the products (and associated settings) from the supplier are available to assign to supplied products within you Centegra Plus product database.
Supplier catalogues currently have limited availability and therefore may not be available against your suppliers or for your company.
Catalogues are currently imported by Centegra. For more information, Contact Centegra.
Managing Supplier Catalogues
To manage existing supplier catalogues:
- Access the Suppliers section via: Inventory Management > Supplier Orders > Suppliers.
- Locate the supplier, and against the relevant row select [EDIT].
Select the Supplier Catalogue tab which lists the following for each available catalogue:
- Catalogue Name: Displays the name of the catalogue.
- Valid From: Displays the date that data within the catalogue becomes valid.
- Valid To: Displays the data that data within the catalogue will no longer be valid.
- Enabled/Disabled: Use the [ENABLE] and [DISABLE] buttons to enable/disable the catalogue.
To edit the catalogue name or dates, select [EDIT] on the relevant row and adjust as required.
To view and edit products within the supplier catalogue, select [VIEW CATALOGUE ITEMS].
Within the supplier catalogue:
- Product Name: The product name as per the supplier catalogue is shown and cannot be edited.
- Product Code: The product code as per the supplier catalogue is shown and cannot be edited.
- Price: The price is shown and can be edited if required. Any edits here will be inherited by any supplied product linked to the catalogue item.
- Case/Split: For reference, whether the catalogue item is provided as a case, or each is shown.
Products can be removed from the catalogue if no longer required by using the delete icon on the relevant row. Note that these cannot be re-added, and these can only be removed if no longer active against a supplied product.
Linking Supplier Catalogue Items To Supplied Products
The process of linking a supplier catalogue item to a supplied product is very similar to the process of linking a standard supplier product pack to a supplied product.
The key difference is that:
- You cannot enter a custom Supplied Product Name. Instead, this lists available products from within the supplier catalogue.
- The following fields cannot be entered, as they are inherited from the supplier catalogue based on the selected catalogue item:
- Supplier Product Code
- Supplier Price
- Split/Case
- By default, the Contacted option is set to Yes and this cannot be changed.
The same restrictions apply against supplier packs within the Supplied Products Report.
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