Simplify your cash handling routine with the Cash Up Floats feature. Designed for practicality, this feature allows you to include the till drawer float value in your cash up count effortlessly.
By default, the cash up count excludes the till drawer float value. However, with Cash Up Floats, you can opt to re-float the till drawer at the end of each cash up, seamlessly incorporating the float value into the subsequent cash up count.
Once a cash up has been approved, if the feature is enabled, the system will smoothly transition you to the Cash Events section. Here, a pending cash event will automatically appear, adhering to the till default re-float settings. Experience a straightforward approach to managing your cash events with the unassuming yet practical Cash Up Floats feature.
The cash event template shows the following:
- Cash Event Template: Shows the default template for re-floating this till.
- Amount: Shows the default float amount for this till. It can be edited if the re-float is different.
- Date Time: Defaults to be 1 minute after the cash up ended. Leave this time so that the re-float time is at the start of the next cash up.
Select [CREATE], and then within the cash event select [APPROVE].
The re-float cash event will generate a transaction at the start of the next cash up which increases the expected cash amount by the re-float amount.
Companywide Configuration
- Create A New Media Type called "FLOATS".
- Create A New Media in Centegra Plus called "Float" and assign to the "FLOATS" media type.
- Create A New Denomination called "Float" and assign to the "FLOATS" media type.
Site-Specific Configuration
Edit The Cash Up Count Template to add a new line with the following options:
- Denomination: Select "Float".
- Account: Select the same account that cash denominations are assigned to.
- Allow Negative: Enable this option.
- Auto-populate: Enable this option.
- Hide: If applicable, enable this to hide the opening float amount from view in the cash up.
- Per till, Create A Cash Event Template, set as Include Till Media Movement with these options:
- Till: Select the relevant till. (Tip: Include the till name in the template name.)
- Media Out: Select "Float".
- Media In: Select "Cash".
- Per till, Edit The Till to assign the following settings:
- Re-Float Cash Event: Select the till media movement cash event specific to that till.
- Default Re-Float Amount: Enter a default float amount, if applicable.