The cash events feature is used to declare when certain pre-defined events take place within the site, involving cash or other payment types.
Cash events use Cash Event Templates which are preconfigured, to simplify the process of declaring the event for users within the site.
Depending on the cash event template, a cash event can generate one or more of the following:
- A Zero Value Transaction. (To exchange one payment media for another.)
- A Cash Movement.
- A Bank Deposit.
Cash Event States
Information on each of the states that cash events flow through:
- Preparation: The cash event has been created and can be edited.
- Approved: The cash event has been approved and records are created as per the template.
- Completed: The period that the cash event falls within has been completed. (If using periods.)
Cash Event Reporting
There are currently no reports specific to cash events.
As cash events generate records depending on the template:
- For Till Media Movement events that generate transactions, see:
- For Account Movement events that generate cash movements, see:
- For Bank Deposit Movement events that generate bank deposits, see:
Cash Event Articles
For information on using Cash Events, see: