Operations Dashboard Wastage Settings
For wastage entered via the Operations Dashboard as covered in This Article, the following settings are available to customise this section:
- Wastage Reasons - Configure reporting reasons to assign wastage against.
- Wastage Day Parts - Assign wastage to day parts (e.g. Breakfast, Lunch...) instead of an individual time. This opens up the ability to Bulk Approve wastage via the back office.
- Wastage Menu - A custom-built menu of commonly wasted products. See the the section below.
Wastage Menu Configuration
Building A Wastage Menu
Wastage menus utilise the Menu Management module within Menu Management > Menu Builder.
There are three steps to creating a wastage menu:
Once created, the wastage menu then needs to be assigned to the relevant sites as covered later.
Create The Menu
To create a wastage menu:
- Head to Menu Management > Menu Builder and select [CREATE NEW MENU].
- Assign a Menu Name and then select [CREATE].
No other settings are required at this stage; you can now create menu categories.
Create Menu Categories
When accessing the wastage entry page, the wastage menu is split into categories to group together products logically.
Within the menu, select [Menu Builder] to access the menu builder, and in the Categories section:
- Select [NEW CATEGORY].
- Enter a Category Name only. No other settings are required for wastage menu categories.
- Select [CREATE].
Repeat for additional categories as required.
Products can then be assigned to the categories.
Assign Menu Products To Categories
When selecting a category within the wastage menu of the wastage entry page, products listed are as per the menu configuration. Note that:
- You do not necessarily need to add all products into the wastage menu as a full product list is also available to use. The wastage menu is ideal for assigning products that get wasted frequently.
- For Inventory Management subscribers, you can also add ingredient items if required.
Within the menu, select [Menu Builder] to access the menu builder, and in the Items section:
- Within the Add New Product window:
- Product: Select the product from the list.
- Category: Select the category that the product should be assigned to.
- Name: If required, override the product name to show differently on the wastage menu.
- No other settings as required for wastage menu products, so select [CREATE].
Repeat for additional products as required.
Assigning A Wastage Menu
A wastage menu only shows in the Wastage Entry section of the Operations Dashboard once it has been assigned against the site.
To do this, select the relevant menu as the Wastage Menu within the Inventory Management tab of the Site Setup section.
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