Before Creating The Reward
Before creating the reward, the following need to be configured:
- Qualifying Products Product Family: Create a Product Family that contains all products that can be included in the reward discount.
- Reward Combo Product: Create A Product that represents the reward. When the reward is applied, this product will be included in the sale to track usage of the reward.
Also note that each reward requires a three-digit code prefix. Within the third party CRM / loyalty platform, the code against all vouchers that should activate the reward should be prefixed with the same three-digit code prefix. Therefore it is important to configure the reward and establish the three-digit code prefix prior to generating and distributing the vouchers.
Creating The Reward
To create a new reward:
- Head to Customers & Loyalty > Rewards.
- Select [NEW REWARD].
Within the New Reward page:
- Reward Name: Enter the name of the reward as known within Centegra Plus.
- Reward Type: Select the reward type from the list.
- Qualifying Products Product Family: Select the Qualifying Products Product Family as covered in the Previous Section.
- Reward Combo Product: Select the Reward Combo Product as covered in the Previous Section.
- Code Prefix: Enter a unique three-digit code prefix. Each of the reward vouchers generated within the third-party loyalty platform will need to be prefixed with this, to indicate which reward the voucher is for.
- Percentage Discount: If the Percent Discount reward type was selected, enter the discount percentage value.
- Valid From: Enter the date that the reward is valid from.
- Valid To: Enter the date that the reward is valid to.
Select [SAVE].
If required, exclusion period can be added against the reward to prevent the reward from being active at certain days and/or times between the Valid To and Valid From dates. For details on assigning exclusion periods, Click Here.
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