To edit an existing cash count template within a site:
- Head to Company Settings > Payments > Cash Count Templates.
- Locate the required cash count template and select [EDIT].
Within the existing cash count template, you can:
- Rename The Template
- Add Cash Count Template Rows
- Remove Cash Count Template Rows
- Reassign A Default Cash Count Template
Ensure that you select [SAVE CASH COUNT TEMPLATE] to save any changes before leaving the cash count template.
Rename The Template
To rename a sites cash count template:
- Head to Company Settings > Payments > Cash Count Templates.
- Locate the required cash count template and select [EDIT].
- Update the Name of the template.
Add Cash Count Template Rows
To add a row into a sites cash count template:
- Head to Company Settings > Payments > Cash Count Templates.
- Locate the required cash count template and select [EDIT].
Within the Edit Cash Count Template page, select [ADD CASH COUNT TEMPLATE ITEM].
For cash count templates used for any reason, against the new count row:
- Denomination: Select the count Denomination.
- Media Type: Displays the media type that the selected denomination is assigned to.
- Allow Negative Count: Select this if users can enter a negative count against the denomination.
For cash count templates that are to be used within cash ups only, you can also select:
- Account: Select the Site Account that cash up counts against this denomination will get moved into when the cash up gets approved. (For details on what type of account to select, Click Here.)
- Auto-Populate: Select this if the cash up count against this denomination should automatically populate when the cash up gets created, based on payments received against payment media assign to the same media type. This option is only available if the media type exists only once in the cash count template.
- Hide: Select this if the denomination should be hidden from view within the cash up. This option is only available if auto-populate (above) is selected.
- Deposit Cut Off: Select a deposit cut off time, if the auto-populated count needs to be split into two individual counts, one for payments received prior to the cut of time and the other for payments received after. (Typically used in 24 hour operations where the payment providers trading day varies to the Centegra Plus Sales Date setting.)
Remove Cash Count Template Rows
Removing a row from a cash count template will prevent it showing in future records using the cash count template, without impacting on previous records that used the cash count template.
To remove a row from a sites cash count template:
- Head to Company Settings > Payments > Cash Count Templates.
- Locate the required cash count template and select [EDIT].
Within the Edit Cash Count Template page:
- Against the relevant row, select the delete icon on the end of the row.
Reassign A Default Cash Count Template
For details on reassigning default cash count templates for cash up, safe counts and/or end of period counts, Click Here.
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