- Introduction
- Creating Denominations
- Editing Denominations
- Searching Denominations
- Deleting Denominations
As part of the Revenue Management module, denominations are simply lines that can be added to cash count templates, for users to enter counts against within cash ups, safe counts and end of period counts.
Denominations are company-wide, and can be configured as either:
- By Value – Enter the value being counted (i.e. “100” for £100.)
- By Quantity – Enter the number of notes/coins being counted (i.e. “10” for £100 of £10 notes.)
All denominations are assigned to a Media Type. Counts against the denomination are then associated with either:
- In cash ups: Payments received against payment media also assigned to the same media type.
- In safe counts and period counts: Count sheets associated with accounts assigned to the same media type.
For example:
Creating Denominations
To create a new denomination:
- Head to Company Settings > Payments > Denominations.
Within the New Denomination page, enter:
- Name: Enter the name of the denomination.
- Media Type: Select the Media Type that the denomination is assigned to.
- Count By Quantity: By default, counts against the denomination should reflect the total value. If counts should instead be based on quantity (or coins or notes), select this and enter the denomination value (below).
- Denomination Value: If count by quantity (above) is enabled, enter the value of a single unit of the denomination.
The denomination is now available to add to cash count templates.
Editing Denominations
Existing denominations can be edited if required. Note that if the denomination exists on any cash count template, the change will update on the templates too.
To edit a denomination:
- Head to Company Settings > Payments > Denominations.
- Locate the required denomination and select [EDIT].
Within the denomination, the following can be edited:
- Name: Enter the name of the denomination.
- Media Type: Select the Media Type that the denomination is assigned to.
- Count By Quantity: By default, counts against the denomination should reflect the total value. If counts should instead be based on quantity (or coins or notes), select this and enter the denomination value (below).
- Denomination Value: If count by quantity (above) is enabled, enter the value of a single unit of the denomination.
Searching Denominations
Access the Denominations section via: Company Settings > Payments > Denominations.
All denominations are shown by default when accessing this section.
If required, you can filter the list to see specific denominations, by using the following filters within the Search panel at the top of the section:
- Name: Search for denominations based on the name entered (or part of).
- Is Deleted: Select whether to include denominations that are marked as deleted in search results.
Select [SEARCH], and all denominations which meet your search criteria will be listed.
The denominations list shows the following:
- Name: Displays the name of the denomination.
- Media Type: Displays the media type that the denomination is assigned to.
- Count By Qty: Specifies whether the denomination is enabled for counting by quantity.
- Denomination Value: If Count By Quantity is enabled, this displays the value of 1x the denomination.
Deleting Denominations
A denomination can be deleted if no longer required, providing that the denomination does not exist on any sites cash count template.
You can only delete a denomination if you have rights to do so. Click Here if you do not have rights to delete but believe you should.
To delete a denomination:
- Head to Company Settings > Payments > Denominations.
- Locate the required denomination and select [EDIT].
Within the denomination:
- Select [DELETE].
- Confirm the deletion.
The denomination is now marked as deleted.
As this is a soft delete, the denomination can be recovered if required. To do so, locate the denomination (ensuring that the Show Deleted search filter is set to "Yes") and access the denomination record again. Select [UNDELETE] and confirm the recovery. The denomination is now available again.
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