Files are stored in folders within file manager.
All folders are accessible within the file manager section by default, and folders can also be configured to be available in other areas of Centegra Plus to allow file uploads from those areas, as well as being restricted to specific sites.
Folders are managed via the file manager section.
Creating Folders
To add a folder into file manager:
- Head to Company Settings > File Manager.
- Beneath the list of folders in the Folders list, select [NEW FOLDER].
In the New Folder window, enter:
- Name: Enter the name of the folder.
- Allowed Sites: Select which sites can access this folder. (Note that a Head Office site has access to all folders, regardless of what sites are selected here.)
- Allowed Section: Select the areas of Centegra Plus where the folder is available to select when uploading files via those areas. (Note that the folder will be available in File Manager by default.)
Select [SAVE].
Editing Folders
To edit a folder within file manager:
- Head to Company Settings > File Manager.
- Select the folder in the Folders list.
- Beneath the list of folders in the Folders list, select [EDIT FOLDER].
In the Edit Folder window, the following can be edited:
- Name: Enter the name of the folder.
- Allowed Sites: Select which sites can access this folder. (Note that a Head Office site has access to all folders, regardless of what sites are selected here.)
- Allowed Section: Select the areas of Centegra Plus where the folder is available to select when uploading files via those areas. (Note that the folder will be available in File Manager by default.)
Select [SAVE].
Deleting Folders
A folder can be deleted if no longer required, providing that it does not contain any files.
To delete a folder within file manager:
- Head to Company Settings > File Manager.
- Select the folder in the Folders list.
Beneath the list of folders in the Folders list:
- Confirm the deletion.
This is a hard delete, so the deleted folder cannot be recovered.
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