Take care when editing accounts within the chart of accounts, as individual sites may have site accounts that are linked to the chart account.
To edit an existing account within the company-wide Chart Of Accounts:
- Head to Company Settings > Accounts Setup > Chart Of Accounts.
- Locate the required account and select [EDIT].
Within the existing account, you can:
Ensure that you select [SAVE] to save any changes before leaving the account.
Edit Core Account Details
Within an existing account of any type, the following core details can be updated:
- Chart Code: Enter your company's unique code / GL reference for the account.
- Name: Enter the a name for the account.
- Custom Field 1: If required, for Bank type accounts, enter an additional custom reference that can show against deposits to this account within the CSV extract of the Bank Deposit Summary report.
- Type: Select the account type. For more information on account types, Click Here.
- Group: Select the account group. For more information on account groups, Click Here.
- Media Type: If the account is being created for use within the Revenue Management module, select the Media Type of the related payment.
Add Additional Account Details For Bank Type Accounts
Within an existing account that is type Bank, the following additional details can be updated:
- Bank Deposit GL Code: If required, enter the company-wide GL code that is applicable for deposits to this account. This can be referenced within Custom Reports & Extracts. Note that this can be overridden at individual Site Account level.
- Bank Deposit GL Description: If required, enter the company-wide GL description that is applicable for deposits to this account. This can be referenced within Custom Reports & Extracts. Note that this can be overridden at individual Site Account level.
- Limit Bank Deposits Per Sales Date: If required, enter the maximum number of bank deposits that a site can declared against this account per sales date.
- Allow Zero Bank Deposits: Select whether of not bank deposits of zero value can be declared against this account. This includes both deposits declared by users, as well as automatic bank deposits.
- Reconcile This Account: Select whether deposits to this account should be reconciled as part of the Bank Deposit Reconciliation feature.
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