This article covers each of the site-specific settings available in the site setup section.
Some site-specific settings are related to certain features or impact on other areas of Centegra Plus, so where applicable, those other features and areas are referenced to help fully understand the setting.
To access site-specific settings for a site, either:
- Log into the relevant site, and head to Company Settings > Site Setup > Site.
- Or, head to Company Settings > Company and select the site within the Sites tab.
The site settings section is split into the following tabs depending on the access required for the site. Each tab is covered in this article below.
- Contact Information
- Site Configuration
- Inventory Management
- Revenue Management
- Back Office Orders
- Opening Times
- Site Day Parts
- User Management
To save any changes, select [SAVE SITE].
Contact Information
Within the Contact Information tab you can define the following for the site:
Setting |
Description |
Name |
Displays the site name as seen throughout Centegra Plus. |
Address 1 |
Enter the sites address line 1. |
Address 2 |
Enter the sites address line 2. |
City |
Enter the sites city. |
Country |
Select the sites country. |
County / State |
Select the sites county / state. |
Postcode / ZIP |
Enter the sites post code / ZIP code. |
Phone |
Enter the sites main contact number. |
Enter the sites main contact email. |
Site Manager |
Enter the name of the site manager. |
Site Configuration
Within the Site Configuration tab you can define the following site-specific settings for the site:
Setting |
Description |
Site Settings |
Site Number |
Enter your company's internal ID number for the site, if required. |
Site Reference |
Enter your company's internal reference for the sire, if required. |
Open Date |
Enter the sites opening date. |
Time Zone |
Select the time zone that the site is within. |
Language |
Select the language that Centegra Plus should show as when accessing this site. This overrides the language set at Company Level, and can be overwritten for individual Users. |
Report Settings |
Like For Like Date |
Applicable for the Like For Like Dashboard only, select the date that site should move from the 'New Stores' section to the 'Like For Like' section. For more details on configuring the Like For Like Dashboard, Click Here. |
Site Type |
Applicable for the Like For Like Dashboard only, select whether the site is a Company or Franchise site. For more details on configuring the Like For Like Dashboard, Click Here. |
Calendar Figures Type |
Within the Site Calendar for this site, select whether users viewing the calendar see a Net or Gross sales summary by default. This overrides the setting set at Company Level, and can be overwritten for individual Users. |
Default RRP Price Level |
If applicable, select a price level to use as the RRP price when calculating discounts of products sold on any price level at this site. If left blank, the RRP price when calculating discounts of products in a sale will always be full price of the product against the sale price level. This overrides the setting set at Company Level, and can be overwritten by both Price Level Types and individual Price Levels. |
Default Tax Rate |
Select the default tax rate to be used when the actual sales tax rate is not obtainable. This is typically only used under instruction; Contact Centegra for more details. This overrides the setting set at Company Level. |
NCR POS Settings |
Card Tips Media Override |
For NCR POS companies with integrated EMVs that are enabled for card tipping, select which payment media that the value of card tips should be assigned to within Centegra Plus transactions for this site if it is to be different to the company default set at Company Level. For more details on card tip reporting, Click Here. Note that this feature must be enabled by Centegra on your behalf and set at company level before selecting a media here. Contact Centegra for more details. |
Site Type Assignment |
Site Type 1 |
This setting will be named as per your company's first site type group, if configured. Select the site type applicable for the site. For more information on Site Types, Click Here. |
Site Type 2 |
This setting will be named as per your company's second site type group, if configured. Select the site type applicable for the site. For more information on Site Types, Click Here. |
Site Type 3 |
This setting will be named as per your company's third site type group, if configured. Select the site type applicable for the site. For more information on Site Types, Click Here. |
Miscellaneous Settings |
Transaction Footer Notes |
Enter a message to be included in the footer of transactions when a PDF is exported from Centegra Plus. For example, a service charge message; ‘thank you for your custom’ message; social media details etc. Note that this overrides the footer notes set at Company Level. |
Production Plan Days Ahead |
If the Production Planner feature is enabled for the site, enter the number of days in advance that production plans should automatically created. (Maximum: 7 Days.) |
Weather Location |
Select the nearest Met Office weather location to the site. The weather can then be tracked against sales within the Site Calendar. (Currently available to select only in the UK.) |
Inventory Management
Within the Inventory Management tab you can define the following Inventory Management settings:
Setting |
Description |
Delivery Times |
Enter the times at which the site can accept deliveries from suppliers. This displays on supplier orders sent to suppliers. |
Delivery Instructions |
Enter any delivery instructions relevant to receiving orders from suppliers. This displays on supplier orders sent to suppliers. |
VAT Number |
Enter the sites VAT number. This displays on supplier orders sent to suppliers. |
Allow External Transfers |
Select whether or not this site can transfer stock to or from "External" to represents sources outside of Centegra Plus. If not allowed, the site can only transfer stock to or from other Centegra Plus sites. |
Allowable Wastage (%) |
Enter a percentage of total net sales that is considered as allowable wastage within period results. The value of allowable wastage is then represented within the wastage analysis or the Margin Summary & Stock KPIs report. |
Wastage Batch Day Parts |
If wastage day parts are configured for the site, select which wastage day part type to use when creating wastage. For more information on Wastage Day Parts, Click Here. |
Wastage Menu |
This feature is currently unavailable. For details, Click Here. Fore more information on entering wastage via the Operations Dashboard, Click Here. |
Default Till Waste Type |
For wastage entered via the Operations Dashboard, select which waste type will show by default when selecting products to waste. This can be changed after selecting the product, if required. Fore more information on entering wastage via the Operations Dashboard, Click Here. |
Enable Invoice Reconciliation |
This feature is currently unavailable. |
Transfer Reasons |
Select whether assigning Transfer Reasons to stock transfers to or from this site is Optional, Required (for all transfers), or required for transfers to or from External Only. |
Tax Free Items Family |
This feature is deprecated. |
Enable Mid Period Counts |
Select this to enable the Mid-Period Counts feature. For more information on the Mid-Period Counts feature, Click Here. |
Enforce Blind Stock Counts |
Select this to enable the Blind Stock Counts feature. For more information on the Blind Stock Counts feature, Click Here. |
Enable Location-Based Inventory |
Select this to enable Location-Based Inventory for this site. For more information on Location-Based Inventory, Click Here. |
Allow Transfers Between Sites |
Select this to allow Stock Transfers to and from this site between other sites using Inventory within Centegra Plus. |
Default Transfer From Site |
If stock transfers are allowed to and from this site, if required, set a default "Transfer From" site that will populate by default when creating new transfers to your site. (Useful if transferring in regularly from CPUs.) |
Revenue Management
Within the Revenue Management tab you can define the following Revenue Management settings:
Setting |
Description |
Bank Deposits Section |
Default Bank Account |
Select the Bank type Site Account the cash is typically deposited to. This will show by default when creating a bank deposit to deposit cash. |
Default Banking Sales Date |
If required, select the default banking date Sales Date as either:
Auto Pending Banking Date |
As part of the Auto-Generate Pending Deposits feature, select the deposit date to use by default when automatically creating pending cash bank deposits upon approving the cash up. For more information on the Auto-Generate Pending Deposits feature, Click Here. |
Cash Purchases Section |
Default Pay From Account |
Select the Cash or Control type Site Account that cash purchases are paid from. This will show by default when creating a cash purchase to purchase petty cash products or services. |
Cash Purchase Account |
Select the System type Site Account that cash purchases are paid to. This will show by default when creating a cash purchase to purchase petty cash products or services. |
Require Cash Purchase Reason |
Enable this if a reason must be entered against each product or service purchased via a cash purchase. |
Allow Cash Purchase From Till |
Enable this option if petty cash is taken from the till, but cannot be declared though the POS and therefore must be declared through Centegra Plus. This option creates a transaction to reduce cash (or another payment type) against a specified till. (See below.) |
Allow Cash Purchase From Back Office |
Enable this option if petty cash is taken from the till, declared in a cash up, and then reconciled against products or services purchased via petty cash by using a cash purchase. |
Default Cash Purchase Date |
If required, select the default cash purchase date as either:
If an option is not selected here, the purchase date will default to 'now'. Any default date within a new cash purchase can be altered before approval. |
Default Cash Purchase Till |
If the Allow Cash Purchase From Till option above is enabled, select the till that the petty cash transaction is always taken from. Leave this option blank if users can take petty cash from any till. |
Default Cash Purchase Payment Type |
If the Allow Cash Purchase From Till option above is enabled, select the payment type (typically cash) that the petty cash transaction should be paid with by default. This can be changed within the cash purchase before approval if required. |
Cash Ups Section |
Cash Up By |
Select whether the site should cash up by Site, by Location, or by Till. For more information on the cash up methods available, Click Here. |
Cash In Till Account |
Select the System type Site Account that sales are held in until the cash up is approved. |
Cash Up Over/Short Account |
Select the Sales type Site Account that any cash up over / short is recorded against when a cash up is approved. |
Default Cash Up Count Template |
Select the cash up Count Template to use by default for the site. Note that this can be defined and overwritten at Location Level, as well as against individual Till Setup. |
Blind Cash Up |
Select this to enable the Blind Cash Up feature. For more information on the Blind Cash Up feature, Click Here. |
Cash Up Variance Alert Threshold |
Enter a variance threshold amount. Any cash up variance exceeding this threshold will show in red on the Site Calendar. |
Auto Fill Cash Up |
Select this to automatically populate a new cash up with the Sales Date as the current date, and the Cash Up End Date as the end of the current day. This must also be enabled when using the Quick Cash Up feature (below). Note that this can be defined and overwritten at Location Level, as well as against individual Till Setup. |
Pin Cash Up To End Of Day |
If Auto Fill Cash Up (above) is enabled, select this to enable the Quick Cash Up feature. For more information on the Quick Cash Up feature, Click Here. Note that this can be defined and overwritten at Location Level, as well as against individual Till Setup. |
Override Cash Up End Time |
If the Quick Cash Up feature is enabled, if cash up end date needs to be different to the end of the Sales Date, enter the end time here. For more information on the Quick Cash Up feature, Click Here. Note that this can be defined and overwritten at Location Level, as well as against individual Till Setup. |
Back Office Orders
Within the Back Office Orders tab you can define default settings to use when placing back office orders:
Setting |
Description |
Default Customer Orders Price Level |
If applicable, select a default price level to use when placing Customer Orders for this site. For more information on Customer Order defaults, Click Here. |
Default Customer Orders Till |
If applicable, select a default till to use when placing Customer Orders at this site. For more information on Customer Order defaults, Click Here. |
Default Customer Orders Location |
If applicable, select a default location to use when placing Customer Orders at this site. For more information on Customer Order defaults, Click Here. |
Default Customer Orders Media |
If applicable, select a default payment media to use when placing Customer Orders for this site. For more information on Customer Order defaults, Click Here. |
Default Customer Order Date |
If applicable, select the default customer order date as either midday Today or midday Yesterday when placing Customer Orders at this site. For more information on Customer Order defaults, Click Here. |
Opening Times
Within the Opening Times tab you can define the sites opening hours.
Simply select the Opening Time and Closing Time against each day of the week.
Site Day Parts
Within the Site Day Parts tab, times specific to this site can be assigned to day part types for reporting, wastage and/or remote order capacity.
For more information on managing Day Parts, select the relevant link below:
- For Sales Reporting day parts, Click Here
- For Remote Order Capacity day parts, Click Here
- For Wastage day parts, Click Here
User Management
Within the User Management tab you can define the following user management site settings:
Setting |
Description |
Auto Approve Time Clock Records |
Enable this if time clock records received from the POS should automatically progress to the Approved state within the Time Clocks section. For more information on the Time Clock feature, Click Here. |
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