To edit an existing customer:
- Head to Customers & Loyalty > Customers.
- Locate the required customer and select [EDIT].
Within the existing customer, you can:
- Edit Customer Information
- Assign A Customer Code
- Assign Customer Addresses
- Assign & Manage Customer Tags
- View & Adjust Customer Balances
- Activate / Deactivate A Customer
- Assign Default Price Level & Media (For Customer Orders)
Ensure that you select [SAVE] to save any changes before leaving the customer.
Edit Customer Information
Within the Customer Detail tab, the following customer information can be edited:
- Title: Enter the customers title.
- First Name: Enter the customers first name.
- Second Name: Enter the customers surname.
- Customer Type: Select the Customer Type that the customer is assigned to.
- Company Name: Enter the company name that the customer belongs to.
- Date Of Birth: Enter the customers date of birth.
- Joining Date: Enter the date that the customer joined.
- Mobile No., Home No., Work No.: Enter the customers contact number(s).
- Email: Enter the customers email address.
- Restrict Customer To Site: If the customer should only be available at a certain site when placing Customer Orders, select the site.
- Notes: Enter any notes specific to the customer.
Assign A Customer Code
Within the Loyalty & Account tab, the following can stored against the customer:
- Customer Code: Enter a unique code for the customer. This is the code that identifies the customer via any integration between the POS and Centegra Plus customers. Note that:
- If a code already exists for the customer, this cannot be edited.
- You can select [GET CUSTOMER CODE] to generate a unique alphanumeric code, if required.
- Third Party Reference: Enter a reference for the customer if applicable. Note that this reference is not seen at the POS.
Assign Customer Addresses
Addresses can be assigned to customers within the Addresses tab.
Note that addresses are mandatory for customers used within Customer Orders.
To add an address to the customer, select [ADD CUSTOMER ADDRESS].
Then enter the following as a minimum:
- House No. And Street: Enter the first line of the address.
- City: Enter the city.
- Post Code: Enter the post code / ZIP code.
- Land Line: Enter the customer contact number.
The following can also be entered if required:
- Company Name: Enter the company name.
- County: Enter the county.
- Country: Enter the country.
- Default Billing Address: Select whether the address is the default billing address.
- Default Delivery Address: Select whether the address is the default delivery address.
Multiple addresses can be assigned to the customer if required.
Addresses can also be marked as deleted to hide them from view. Previous orders will remain associated with the address marked as deleted, whilst new orders will be associated with a new address added.
Assign & Manage Customer Tags
For details on assigning and managing customer tags, Click Here.
View & Adjust Customer Balances
For details on viewing and adjusting a customers balance, Click Here.
Activate / Deactivate A Customer
Within the Loyalty & Account tab, use the Active checkbox to activate or deactivate a customer.
This is applicable only for customers accessed via a POS integration, where inactive customer accounts cannot be used at the POS.
Assign Default Price Level & Media (For Customer Orders)
If the customer is used within Customer Orders, in the Loyalty & Account tab the following defaults can be assigned:
- Default Customer Orders Price Level: Select which price level to use for this customer within customer orders. This cannot be overwritten.
- Default Customer Orders Media: Select which payment media to use for this customer within customer orders. Although this appears by default, it can be overwritten.
Note that defaults can override or be overwritten by settings defined elsewhere. For more information on customer order defaults, Click Here.
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