To create a new combo:
- Head to Product Management > Combos > Combos.
- Select [NEW COMBO].
Combo Settings
In the New Combo page, enter the following core details:
- Name: Enter a name for the combo
- Date Valid From/To: Select the date range that the combo is valid.
- Time Valid From/To: Select the time of day that the combo is valid.
- Combo Type: Select the combo type that the combo should be assigned to.
Then select the combo pricing details:
- Pricing Method: Select one of the following options:
- Fixed: Allows a fixed priced to be assigned to the combo. Typically used for meal deals.
- Discount: Allows a discount to be assigned to the combo. Typically used for specific discounts.
If Pricing Method Fixed is selected:
- Fixed Price: Enter the price that the combo will recalculate the price to be.
If Pricing Method Discount is selected:
- Discount Type: Select whether the discount value will be a set amount or a set percentage.
- Discount Value: Enter the amount or percentage value of the discount, based on the type selected.
Finally, select the following:
- Combo Product: Select the product that sales of the combo will report against. The sale value will still be attributed to individual items within the combo; this product is used to record a count of the number of times the combo is used.
Select [SAVE COMBO] before moving onto the next step.
Combo Items
The next step is to add items applicable to the combo in the Combo Items section.
In the New Combo Item window:
- Product Type: Select whether to add a Single Product as a combo item line, or a Product Family.
- Single Product / Product Family: Dependent on the type selected, select the product / product family from the list which is applicable for the combo item line.
- Name: Enter a name to describe the combo item line.
- Min Count: Enter the minimum number of the combo item selected that must be present in the sale for the combo to be activated.
- Max Count: Enter the maximum number of the combo item selected that can be present in the sale for the combo to be activated.
Repeat the process to add additional combo items to make up the combo if required.
Then select [SAVE COMBO].