Creating Combo Types
Combo types are simply a way of grouping together combos within Centegra Plus.
Head to Product Management > Combos > Combo Types.
To create a new combo type:
- Select [NEW COMBO TYPE].
- Name: Enter a name for the combo type.
The combo type is now available to assign combos to.
Editing Combo Types
To edit an existing combo type:
- Head to Product Management > Combos > Combo Types.
- Against the relevant row, select [EDIT].
- Name: The name of the combo type can be edited.
- To save any changes, select [COMBO TYPE].
Searching Combo Types
Access the Combo Types section via: Product Management > Combos> Combo Types.
All combo types are shown by default when accessing this section and are listed in the order that they were created.
Deleting Combo Types
A combo type can only be deleted if no combos are assigned to it.
You can only delete a combo type if you have rights to do so. Click Here if you do not have rights to delete but believe you should.
To delete a combo type:
- Head to Product Management > Combos > Combo Types.
- Against the relevant row, select [DELETE].
- Confirm the deletion.
This is a hard delete; the combo type cannot be recovered.