The Cash Movements Analysis report offers a comprehensive overview of declared cash movements conducted by users within the back office. This insightful report provides a detailed analysis of financial transactions, shedding light on the intricate flow of funds within the organisational framework.
This report is available only to companies subscribed to the Revenue Management module.
For companies with multiple sites, the information is provided by site.
If required, this report can be created as a Saved Report and set up to send out periodically.
Report Filters
Access the Cash Movements Analysis report via: Reports & Analysis > Revenue Management > Cash Movements Analysis.
Select the required report parameter options from:
Select Sites |
Select which sites and/or site groups to include in the report. |
Date Range |
Select which date range to include cash movements for. |
States |
Select which cash movements to see based on the selected state(s). |
From Accounts |
Select which cash movements to see based on the account(s) cash is moved from. |
To Accounts |
Select which cash movements to see based on the account(s) cash is moved to. |
Show Detailed |
Select this if you wish to run the report in expanded format, displaying the cash movement detail. If not selected, summary level data is shown, but you can expand into detail where required. |
Report Output
The Cash Movements Analysis report has two levels:
Level 1 - Cash Movement Summary
The first level of the Cash Movements Analysis report is an overview of cash moved between each account, displaying:
From Account |
Displays the site account that cash was moved out of. |
To Account |
Displays the site account that cash was moved in to. |
Amount |
Displays the total amount of cash moved from the from account, into the to account, within the selected date range. |
Level 2 - Cash Movement Detail
The second level of the Cash Movements Analysis report is a list of each cash movement making up the total amount moved between accounts, displaying:
From Account |
Displays the site account that cash was moved out of. |
To Account |
Displays the site account that cash was moved in to. |
Amount |
Displays the amount of cash moved between accounts. |
Date |
Displays the date and time that the cash movement occurred. |
Description |
Displays the description assigned to the cash movement record. |
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