Beyond the standard reporting features in Centegra Plus, we offer a bespoke reporting service where we create custom reports and extracts tailored to your company's unique needs. Our team is dedicated to crafting reports that align with your requirements or those of third-party applications. This ensures that you receive tailored insights and data formats without the need for user-generated input. Discover the convenience of personalised reporting, expertly crafted for you by Centegra Plus.
Custom reports and extracts are bespoke, so charges may apply. For more information, Contact Centegra.
Running Custom Reports & Extracts
There are two ways of running custom reports and extracts:
All Company Custom Reports & Extracts
Custom Reports
Access the Custom Reports section via: Reports & Analysis > Custom Reports & Extracts > Custom Reports.
Select the required report parameter options from:
- Date Range: Select which date range to include sales for.
- Site: Select which site(s) to include in the report.
- Custom Report: Select which custom report you wish to run.
Then select [RUN REPORT].
Once the report is generated, it is displayed on screen.
Custom Extracts
Access the Custom Extracts section via: Reports & Analysis > Custom Reports & Extracts > Custom Extracts.
Select the required extract parameter options from:
- Date Range: Select which date range to include sales for.
- Site: Select which site(s) to include in the report.
- Custom Report: Select which custom extract you wish to run.
Then select [RUN REPORT].
Once the export generates:
- Select the Export Report panel to expand the report options.
- Then select [OPEN CSV].
Favourite Company Custom Reports & Extracts
Individual company custom reports/extracts can be set as 'favourites'.
Favourite custom reports/extracts are accessed via: Reports & Analysis > CompanyName Reports. (Where CompanyName displays the name of your company.)
Reports/extracts are listed in alphabetical order, and can also be grouped together in sub-menu groups.
To run the report/extract, simple select the report/extract in the menu, and then select the required report parameter options from:
- Date Range: Select which date range to include sales for.
- Site: Select which site(s) to include in the report.
Then select [RUN REPORT].
If a custom report has been selected, once loaded, the report is displayed on screen.
If a custom extract has been selected, once loaded, the extract will display on screen in tabular format. The download can be downloaded as a CSV file by selecting [DOWNLOAD CSV].
Managing Custom Reports & Extracts
You can manage certain aspects of the custom reports/extracts available within your company.
To do so, head to: Reports & Analysis > Custom Reports & Extracts > Manage Reports.
The following is shown per report/extract:
- Report Name: Displays the name of the report/extract.
- Type: Displays whether it is a custom report or extract.
- Favourite: Displays whether the report/extract is flagged as a favourite. If it is, the report/extract will show in the main reports menu under CompanyName Reports.
- Menu Group Name: If marked as a favourite, this displays the sub-menu group name to show within the menu under CompanyName Reports, if applicable.
To edit the settings of a custom report/extract, on the relevant row select [EDIT].
Here you can edit the following:
- Custom Report/Extract Name: Edit the name of the report/extract.
- Favourite: Enable as a favourite to show within the CompanyName Reports section of the menu.
- Menu Group Name: If a favourite, and if required, enter a menu group name to group this report/extract with others that have the same menu group name as a sub-menu option within the CompanyName Reports section of the menu.
Select [SAVE] to save any changes.
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