This article refers to tools which can be added to your landing page as widgets, which show when first logging into Centegra Plus. These tools are designed to alert to certain pending tasks, or provide visibility of essential information. If you're looking for information on custom sales dashboards instead, Click Here.
Dashboard widget tools are categorised into the following sections:
- Customer Loyalty & Account Widgets
- Inventory Management Widgets
- Revenue Management Widgets
- Miscellaneous Widgets
To add widget tools to your landing page:
- Select the [ACCOUNT] button at the top right of the page.
- Select [PROFILE].
- Within your profile, access the Widgets tab.
- In here, select the widgets that you want showing on your dashboard.
- There is a brief summary of the information that each widget can provide you with.
- When selecting a widget, the border will change to green to show you that it is enabled.
- Once all are selected, select your company logo to return to the dashboard.
By default, widgets will get added to you dashboard in the order that you select them. You can arrange widgets to display in any order that you desire by simply dragging-and-dropping the widget into the required location. For larger devices, the dashboard typically displays widgets in two columns. For smaller devices, widgets are restricted to one column only.
Customer Loyalty & Account Widgets
The following Customer Loyalty & Account Widgets are available:
Centegra Customer Loyalty
The Centegra Customer Loyalty widget summarises customer account totals so far today for clients using Centegra Plus loyalty.
The total number of loyalty customer transaction is shown, with the balance adjustments for account/gift card customers, and/or points adjustments for points loyalty customers.
Transaction Customer Assignment
The Transaction Customer Assignment widget is specific to clients using the Transaction Customer Assignment feature.
The widget allows you to assign customer accounts to transactions which should have a customer assigned based on the payment media assigned to the transaction, but haven’t yet.
To assign a customer to the transaction:
- Select the required Customer from the list.
Inventory Management Widgets
The following Inventory Management Widgets are available:
EDI Order Status
The EDI Order Status widget provides an overview of supplier orders placed via EDI within the current date at the site. Specifically, the widget can be used to confirm that orders have been sent as expected.
The Status indicates whether the EDI request has been Requested or Sent, and once sent, the Message indicates whether this was or Success or if the order Failed to send.
Note that when an order is placed via EDI it generates an EDI request which waits in Requested status. Every few minutes, orders in Requested status are captured and sent to suppliers. Hence it can take a few moments to update to Sent state.
Supplier Order Cut Off Times
The Supplier Order Cut Off Times widget is a snapshot of the current supplier order status for site, displaying the quantity of orders placed within the current day per supplier.
If a cut off time has been configured against the Supplier for the site, a countdown to the cut off time is also displayed.
Revenue Management Widgets
The following Revenue Management Widgets are available:
Till Shift Summary
The Till Shift Summary widget provides access into the Shift Summary for the Current Shift and Last Shift on each till via the Operations Dashboard for the site.
Cash In Tills
The Cash In Tills widget displays the amount of cash in each till currently based on cash sales. If a Cash Limit has been defined against the till, the cash limit is also shown for comparison.
Miscellaneous Widgets
The following Miscellaneous Widgets are available:
Recent Transactions
The Recent Transactions widget is simply a list of the last 5 transactions to be processed for the site.
The list updates approximately every minute.
If required, you can select the Transaction ID to see the full Transaction detail.
System Alerts
The System Alerts widget provides an overview of outstanding tasks which need to be completed.
These may be outstanding tasks specific to the sites day-to-day operation, such as those outlined below.
Or these may be outstanding tasks related to configuration that have yet to be completed, which may impact on reporting if not set, such as those outlined.
Where applicable, you can select the quantity in the Value column to:
- Access the media shown to assign it to a media type. (For more details, Click Here.)
- Access the Product List report for the UNASSIGNED PRODUCTS group to assign products to the correct reporting groups. (For more details on UNASSIGNED PRODUCTS, Click Here.)
- Access the price setup page for the product shown that requires a price on the price level price shown. (For more details, Click Here.)
The Weather widget provides an overview of weather sales today and tomorrow for your site, to help give an indication on how weather may have an impact on your sales performance.
Note that:
- This is currently only available to UK clients.
- You must assign the nearest Weather Location to your site for this widget to display data. (For more details, Click Here.)
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