- Introduction
- Transaction Types & Sale Types
- Transaction Structure
- Downloading & Printing Transactions
- Editing Transactions
- Removing Transactions
- Transaction Count vs Customer Count
- Technical Information
Transactions received from all POS and remote order sales integrations are normalised when processed into Centegra Plus, meaning that each transaction can be accessed and viewed in the same way regardless of the source of the transaction.
Transactions can be accessed in may places, including:
- Many reports, including the Transaction Analysis report.
- Various Dashboard Widgets and the Like For Like Dashboard.
Transaction Types & Sale Types
Within Centegra Plus there are several distinct transaction types:
- Sale: A standard transaction, comprised of sale items and payments with a net positive value.
- Refund: A standard transaction, comprised of sale items and payments with a net negative value.
Zero Value Sale: A transaction either comprised of:
- Sale items at zero value, therefore no payments. (e.g. A comp or 100% discounted transaction.)
- No sale items, but payments that offset each other. (e.g. Gift card sale paid by cash.)
- Cancelled Sale: A transaction comprised of voided sale items only. There are no payments.
- No Sale: A record of a "No Sale" entered at the POS. There are no sale items or payments.
- Other Actions: A transaction comprised of no sales, payments or voided items. Typically a date stamp of an action on the POS.
And within each transaction, individual sale items are assigned a distinct sale type:
- Sale: A sale item with a positive quantity value.
- Refund: A sale item with a negative quantity and value.
- Zero Value Sale: A sale item with a positive quantity and zero value.
- Void: A sale item with zero quantity and zero value.
The transaction type is available to view within the Transaction Information section of each transaction.
Transaction Structure
Every transaction in Centegra Plus has three core elements available to view:
Additionally, for companies using the Inventory Management module, the following is also shown:
Finally, at the bottom of every transaction, the date and time that the transaction processed into Centegra Plus is available to view.
Transaction Information
The transaction header contains key details about the transaction.
- Date & Time: The date and time that the transaction occurred at source.
- Site & Location: The site and location where the transaction occurred.
- Sales Type: The type of transaction, as covered in the Transaction Types section above.
- Till: The till that the transaction occurred against.
- Covers: The number of covers entered against the transaction. (If applicable.)
- Team Member: The team member that entered the transaction.
- Transaction ID: The unique Centegra Plus transaction ID number.
- Table No: The table number assigned to the transaction. (If applicable.)
- Source: The source system that provided the transaction to Centegra Plus.
- External Transaction ID: The ID assigned to the transaction outside of Centegra Plus.
- Order Reference: The order reference assigned to the transaction as per the transaction source.
If a Centegra Plus customer is linked to the transaction via account or loyalty, the following is also shown:
- Loyalty System: Displays the type of loyalty/account system that has been used.
- Customer Name: Displays the customer’s name. (This is a link into the customer too.)
- Points Awarded: Displays the number of points earned within the transaction. (If applicable.)
Sale Item Information
The sale items section displays each product sold within the transaction.
- Product: This is the products description. (This can be selected to view the product in more detail.)
- Sale Type: This displays the sale type of the individual sale item row*.
- Price: This is the unit price of the product on the price level shown.
- Quantity: This is the quantity sold. (Or refunded.)
- Gross: This is the gross value paid by the customer.
- Net: This is the net value received after tax and discount.
- Tax: This is the tax applied to the item as per the tax configuration at source.
- Price Level Name: This displays the price level that the product was sold on.
- RRP**: Displays the RRP of the sale line, based on the unit price and quantity sold.
- Discount**: This is the sale item discount value. (If applicable.)
If there is a note against a sale item, an ⓘ icon is available on the row to which shows the note against the item when selected.
*If type "Void", sale values are displayed as strikethrough text to denote voided values.
**RRP and Discount can be displayed as Gross or Net, as per Company Setup.
Payments Information
The payment details section displays each payment line that was used to finalise the transaction.
- Payment Type: This is the payment group assigned to the payment method within Centegra Plus.
- Payment: This is the payment method which the transaction was finalised to.
- Reference: If an Integrated Card Payment has been used as payment, a restricted view of the card number is shown for reference.
- Gift Card: If an Integrated Gift Card has been used as payment, the gift card name is show here which can be selected to open the full history for the gift card.
- Amount: This is the amount of the payment media taken.
Stock Movement Details & Theoretical Cost
The stock movement details section is only applicable to companies subscribed to the Inventory Management module. This section displays each stock movement generated by the transaction based on the recipe at the time that the transaction processed and contains a theoretical gross margin for the transaction overall.
Downloading & Printing Transactions
Any transaction can be downloaded as a PDF receipt, and printed if required.
To download a transaction PDF:
- Access the transaction within Centegra Plus as outlined in the Introduction section.
- At the bottom of the page, select [DOWNLOAD PDF].
This will download a PDF copy of the transaction as per your browser settings.
Note that the following elements can be configured to show against a PDF receipt:
- The company logo can be configured to show as per the Company Configuration.
- The site contact details can be configured to show as per the Site Configuration.
- A custom message can be configured to show at the bottom of the page as per Transaction Footer Notes within the Company Configuration or Site Configuration.
Editing Transactions
Only certain core elements of a transaction can be edited. Sale items and payments linked to the transaction cannot be edited.
To edit a transaction, you must be assigned to a user role that has Update rights for the Dashboard - Transactions right. For information on user role access, Click Here.
To edit a transaction:
- Access the transaction within Centegra Plus as outlined in the Introduction section.
- Select [EDIT].
The following can be edited:
- Team Member: Assign the sale to another team member.
- Covers: Change covers value. (This can also be done via the Transaction Analysis report.)
Select [SAVE] to save any changes and update the transaction.
Any transaction can be edited, however, any changes made are only reflected within Centegra Plus. The original source of the transaction will not be impacted by the change.
Removing Transactions
A transaction cannot be deleted via Centegra Plus; it can only be reversed.
The ability to reverse a transaction depends on the transaction source too. For example, you typically cannot reverse a POS transaction or a back office transaction as any reversal should be done at source, but you can often reverse transaction from remote order platforms.
For audit purposes, a reversal retains the original transaction and creates a new transaction with the same date and time as the original transaction, where each sale item line and payment line is the opposite of the original transaction.
To reverse a transaction, you must be assigned to a user role that has Delete rights for the Dashboard - Transactions right. For information on user role access, Click Here. The transaction must also not fall within a cash up that has been approved, or a period which has been closed.
To reverse a transaction:
- Access the transaction within Centegra Plus as outlined in the Introduction section.
- Confirm to reverse the transaction.
A new transaction is now created as an exact opposite of the original transaction. Note that:
- The original transaction will display a message at the top of the page to advise that it has been reversed, with a link into the reversal transaction.
- The reversal transaction will display a message at the top of the page advise that it is a reversal, with a link into the original transaction.
Transaction Count vs Customer Count
Within Centegra Plus reporting, you may come across Transaction Count and Customer Count .
There is a distinction between the two, where:
- Transaction Count: This is the sum of all transaction types.
- Customer Count: This is the sum of all Sale transactions less the sum of all Refund transactions. This represents the number of customers that you have served.
For example:
Transaction Type | Total Entered | Transaction Count | Customer Count |
Sale | 250 | 250 | 250 |
Refund | 5 | 5 | -5 |
Zero Value Sale | 15 | 15 | 0 |
Cancelled Sale | 5 | 5 | 0 |
No Sale | 5 | 5 | 0 |
Other Actions | 10 | 10 | 0 |
TOTAL | 290 | 290 | 245 |
These are not to be confused with Covers Count, which is either declared at the POS or is based on the number of menu items sold within the transaction.
Technical Information
The following information is available against a transaction for a limited time, where appropriate, and can aid in any troubleshooting:
Transaction Payloads
A transaction payload is the raw data that Centegra Plus receives from the transaction source.
This raw data contains transaction data as provided by the source, which is then converted into a standardised transaction within Centegra Plus.
Should you need to view a transaction payload:
- Access the transaction within Centegra Plus as outlined in the Introduction section.
- At the bottom of the page, select [VIEW TRANSACTION PAYLOAD].
The transaction payload will open in a new tab. This is only available for 14 days after the data was received, and after this the raw data is no longer available to view.
Transaction Webhooks
A transaction webhook is a method of passing transaction data to a third party as it occurs. For example, sending to a loyalty provider or an external sales analysis tool.
In cases where transaction data has been provided via a webhook, it is possible to view the transaction webhook information and status against the transaction:
Should you need to view a transactions webhook status:
- Access the transaction within Centegra Plus as outlined in the Introduction section.
- At the bottom of the page, select [VIEW WEBHOOKS].
The webhook status and details for all webhooks related to the transaction will show. This is only available for 14 days after the webhook was actioned.
The webhook for the individual transaction can be resent if required, by selecting [RESEND].
Further information for all webhooks can be seen within the Webhooks section.
KMS Ticket Payload
For any site using the Logwood KMS solution, the KMS ticket generation details for any remote order transactions are available to view
Should you need to view a KMS ticket payload:
- Access the transaction within Centegra Plus as outlined in the Introduction section.
- At the bottom of the page, select [VIEW KMS TICKET PAYLOAD].
For each preparation area where the KMS ticket is sent, the time that the ticket is generated is shown. Selecting the plus icon on the left then displays the raw KMS ticket data. This is only available for 14 days after the ticket was created.