Note: When ending the day, we would recommend that the manger is the last member of staff to clock off and end shift so they have access to open tickets that need closing.
At the end of a day there should be no members of staff still logged into the POS system and all financial shifts closed. This will prevent orders been carried over to the next day and their sales been incorrectly assigned to the wrong day.
There are a few steps to follow to end the day:
- Ensure all transactions are closed
- End Shift (as above in “Ending a Shift in Silver”) and Clock out within the NCR Silver POS
How Do I Check For Open Transactions
To recall a saved ticket press while on the POS and choose 'Recall/Reprint'.
You will then be presented with a screen showing open and closed tickets.
You can then open the 'Open Orders' (if they were created by someone else you may need to press on it and 'take ownership' to be able to recall the ticket. Review the ticket and decide if it needs to be paid off or voided/deleted.
Once all open tickets have been dealt with you will need to perform the 'end shift' function of Centegra Plus.