Accessing the Printer Menu
- Turn your receipt printer OFF by pressing the power button on the front of the printer where O = OFF (Picture left)/ I = ON (Pictured right) as indicated on the power button itself.
- Whilst the printer is turned off, hold down the feed button. Keep the feed button held down and turn the printer on, then release the feed button after a couple of seconds. This will print a Self Test as shown below:
- Now press and HOLD the feed button for a second until the following menu prints out:
- If the above menu didn't print, but the below image did, then start the process again as the below print occurs after a single press a single press rather than pressing and holding
Setting Internal Buzzer ON/OFF
- We want to select option 6 as highlighted in the menu below, this is achieved by PRESSING the feed button 6 times, then HOLDING it down on the 7th time to confirm that option. Each press will result in a beep, the 7th press and hold will not beep.
- When successful this will print the below option
- Above we can see x3 options. 0 : EXIT / 1 : DISBALE / 2 : ENABLE
- The currently selected setting is indicated by the > symbol, here we can see > 1 : DISABLE is the current setting.
- To Enable, PRESS the feed button twice and then HOLD the feed button on the 3rd press to confirm.
- To Disable, PRESS the feed button once and then HOLD the feed button on the 2nd press to confirm.
- Once completed, this will then print off x2 more sheets, the first being a confirmation of your new setting as show below for Enable
- Then second sheet then shows you a menu print out again.
- From here, to select option 0 : Exit and Reboot Printer, HOLD down the feed button .
- You will then be presented with a final confirmation of EXIT and COMPLETED: