This article contains a summary of Centegra Plus updates released during May 2022.
In some cases, new features may be user rights protected, and therefore your company's Centegra Plus administrator may need to Update User Roles to grant access to these new features.
For more information on any of these updates, contact the Centegra support team.
Inventory Management
Stock Period "KPIs By Super Group" Report Now Excludes Zeros
The Margin Summary & Stock KPIs By Super Group report - accessed within the Reports section of your stock period, now prevents pages showing for super groups that contain no data.
This filters out any 'system' or non-stock related super groups, to help you focus on the period results for super groups that matter within your stock period, such as Food & Beverage.
Company Period "Period KPI Results" Super Group Option Added
For companies that use the Company Periods Feature for each sites stock period, the Period KPI Results report provides a consolidated view of key period results across all sites within your company.
This report is available in the main menu via Reports & Analysis > Periods Results > Company Reports.
A new View Type filter has been added to this report, which allows you to select:
- Consolidated: To see overall KPI results per site, as has always been the case with this report.
- By Super Group: To see KPI results per site split by super group (e.g. Food, Beverage) - a new addition to this report.
Video Tutorials
In addition to the user guides available via the header menu of Centegra Plus, video tutorials are also now available for key Inventory Management operations and product setup.
You can find the relevant tutorial for the section that you are in, by expanding the Video Tutorials & Help Guides section at the top of the page.
Revenue Management
Cash Up Form Improvements
The cash up count entry page has been split into three distinct sections to improve navigation of this page. Each of the three sections can be collapsed, to hide it from view, simply by clicking into the section header.
Cash On Site - Visibility Of Recent Safe Counts
Within the Cash On Site section, you now have visibility of the most recent safe counts completed against each site account shown.
To view recent safe counts for an account, simply select the "+" button at the start of the row. The "-" button then hides the safe counts from view.
Note that only safe counts completed within the past 7 days are shown, and the safe count must be in Counted state or higher.
New Feature: Cashier Count Entry
In certain operations where cashiers hold individual cash, and are therefore each cashed out individually at the end of of a shift, the Safe Counts feature can be used to capture the individual cashier count.
Note that this feature does not compare the cashier count entered against takings entered via the POS; this feature is to simply capture the cashier count declared for reporting purposes.
The cashier count is entered via the Safe Count section as a standard count, with the addition of the cashier name being entered.
Once the count is declared, the count is available to view alongside all other cashier counts (and other safe counts) within the Safe Counts report
New Integration: Harri
We now integrate with Harri who provide a Workforce Management solution.
As part of this integration, we provide Harri with a daily extract containing net sales, covers count and customer count, per site, split into 15 minute segments.
The integration can be configured to exclude sales of certain product types, if required.
If you currently use Harri, or are considering doing so, and require further information on this integration, contact Centegra Support.
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