The Remote Orders section of the Operations Dashboard provides a view of orders received from remote sales sources such as delivery and click & collect platforms today.
This is to help manage orders coming into your site or location. (For single-merchant companies, orders are shown by site. For multiple-merchant companies, orders are shown by location based on the location of the till that the Operations Dashboard URL is assigned to.)
Using the tools provided as covered in the next section, orders shown can be filtered, notifications can be sent (where applicable) and full details on orders can be viewed.
Using The Remote Orders Section
Accessing Remote Orders
To view remote orders via the Operations Dashboard:
- Access the Operations Dashboard on any till within the location.
The Remote Orders page will list any future remote orders by default, as well as orders where the pick up time has recently passed if configured.
The following options are available to change the list of orders shown on the screen:
- Orders: Can be uses to toggle between Future Orders today or All Orders today.
- Split By Source: Can be used to toggle between displaying a consolidated list of orders in time order, or separate lists of orders split by transaction source.
- Transaction Sources: Can be used filter out orders based on the transaction source. (For details on how to permanently filter out orders from specific sources, Click Here.)
(If required, the Remote Orders page can be changed to show all orders by default when accessing the page, not just future orders. To change this, update the Default Remote Orders Display setting within the Global Settings tab of the Company Setup.)
Viewing Orders
Against each order, the following information provided by the order source is shown in the first level:
- Order Reference: The order reference.
- Order Time: The estimated pick up time of the order..
- Customer: The name of the customer, if provided.
- Notes: A truncated display of order notes, if provided. (To see full order notes, see below.)
The + icon against any order on the left can be selected to see more details about the order.
Additional information in the second level includes:
- ID: The Centegra Plus transaction ID of the order.
- Source Name: The name of the source that provided the order.
- Notes: Any order notes, if provided.
- Customer: The name of the customer, if provided.
- Customer Number: The customers contact number, if provided.
- Product Name, Quantity & Gross: A list of all products sold within the order.
Order Actions
Where applicable, the following buttons are available against orders:
- [RESEND] to resend the order to the integrated KMS.
- [READY!] to send an order ready Transaction Notification to the customer.
- [NOTIFY] to send any other type of Transaction Notification to the customer.
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