For sites subscribed to the Inventory Management module, at the end of every period you must declare a count for each active item of inventory within your site. An active item on inventory is one which:
- Had an opening count greater than or less than zero at the start of the period, and/or
- Had any movements (e.g. sales, wastage, orders, transfers) throughout the duration of the period.
The count should be based on the stock levels at the date and time that the period ends.
Entering a count for each item of inventory within the period:
- Highlights any stock on hand variances.
- Updates the stock on hand of each product at the start of the next period based on the counts.
Stock counts are entered into Stock Count Sheets, which you can customise to suit your sites individual counting requirements.
For sites using the Mid-Period Counts feature, ensure that the period is in the correct state when entering your stock counts.
Entering End Of Period Stock Counts
To enter end of period stock counts into your period:
- Head to Period Management > Periods.
- Against the period, select [STOCK PERIOD].
Within the stock period:
- Ensure that the period is in Pending state. (If not, Click Here.)
- Scroll down to the Count Sheets section, and against the relevant stock count sheet select [EDIT].
Within the stock count sheet:
- Against applicable products, enter counts into the relevant Quantity column(s).
- Note that:
- Counts can be entered into multiple quantity fields against the same product if required; the overall count total will be summed up based on the pack sizes.
- A green tick indicates that your count has been stored. If you do not see this, stop the count and check your connection.
Once the count has been completed, select either:
- [APPROVE] to approve the count sheet.
- [COUNTED] to flag the count sheet as counted. The count sheet will need to be approved later on before closing the period.
Repeat for each count sheet within the period until all applicable products have been counted and all count sheets are in Approved state.
Once the count is complete, you can Review Period Results.