Effortlessly manage your petty cash transactions with the Cash Purchase feature, a versatile tool tailored to your operational needs. The functionality of the Cash Purchase feature is tailored to the modules integrated into your operation...
For Inventory Management, the Cash Purchase feature empowers you to document petty cash transactions for stock procurement beyond the standard supplier order process. This allows you to promptly increase the stock on hand for specific products, ensuring operational continuity. Imagine, for instance, replenishing milk from a local store when faced with an unexpected shortage, bypassing the regular supplier order process.
For Revenue Management, the Cash Purchase feature plays a pivotal role in tracking and accounting for the reduction of cash on-site. Through seamless reconciliation, you can link cash expenditures to either a Petty Cash Reporting Product or, for Inventory Management users, an inventory product. This meticulous tracking ensures accurate financial oversight and control.
Experience the sophistication of the Cash Purchase feature as it adapts to the nuances of your operational landscape, providing a seamless and efficient solution for your petty cash transactions.
Cash Purchase States
Information on each of the states that cash purchases flow through:
- Preparation: The cash purchase has been created and can be edited.
- Approved: The cash purchase has been approved and cash/stock movements have occurred.
- Completed: The period that the cash purchase falls within has been completed. (If using periods.)
Cash Purchase Reporting
The following reports can provide information on cash purchases:
Cash Purchase Articles
For information on using Cash Purchases, see: