- Introduction
- Creating Suppliers
- Editing Suppliers
- Searching Suppliers
- Deleting Suppliers
- Recovering Deleted Suppliers
The suppliers section is where you to create and maintain that suppliers that you are able to order supplied products from for inventory.
Suppliers are available companywide, although if required, you can assign site-specific settings against a supplier too to specific individual site ordering settings.
Creating Suppliers
When creating a supplier, the only mandatory field is the supplier name. However, many additional options available available for you to store supplier details, and ordering details for when placing orders against the supplier.
To create a supplier:
- Head to Inventory Management > Supplier Orders > Suppliers
- Select [NEW SUPPLIER].
Within the New Supplier page:
- Name: Enter the suppliers name.
- Enter any additional options as required; details on each option are available in the Next Section.
Once all details have been entered, select [SAVE SUPPLIER].
Editing Suppliers
When editing a supplier, if editing companywide settings you can do so when logged into any site; if editing site-specific ordering settings, ensure that you are logged into the relevant site first.
To edit an existing supplier:
- Head to Inventory Management > Supplier Orders > Suppliers
- Against the relevant supplier, select [EDIT].
Within the Supplier Details page, options are split into two tabs:
Ensure that you select [SAVE SUPPLIER] to save any changes before leaving the supplier.
Supplier Details
Within the Supplier Details tab of a supplier, the following options are available:
- Name: Enter the supplier name.
- Reference: Enter your company reference for the supplier (if applicable).
- Account Code: Enter your account code with the supplier. (This can be overridden for individual sites if required, as covered in the Next Section.)
- Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, County, Post Code: Enter the suppliers contact address.
- Phone Number, Alternative Phone Number: Enter the suppliers contact numbers.
- Emails: Enter the suppliers contact email addresses. (Not the email address used for ordering; this is covered in the Next Section.)
- Contacts: Enter your contact(s) at the supplier.
Ordering Details
Companywide Ordering Options
Within the top section of the Ordering Details tab of a supplier, the following companywide options are available:
- Allow Direct Deliveries: Enable this if supplier orders against this supplier can bypass the Ordered state and can go straight to Delivered state. (i.e. If orders are entered retrospectively.)
- Invoice Number Required On Delivery: Enable this if an invoice number must be entered against the supplier order before progressing it to Delivered state.
- Order Send To Emails: Enter the email addresses that should populate by default when sending orders to this supplier for all sites. (If entering multiple addresses, separate with a comma.)
- Ordering Notes: Enter any ordering notes for this supplier; these are available to view when creating orders.
- Order Times: Enter any order times information for this supplier; this is available to view when creating orders.
- Invoicing Notes: Enter any invoicing notes for this supplier.
- Auto Generate Invoice On Delivery: This option is not currently supported.
- Product used For Shipping On Order Invoices: This option is not currently supported.
- Minimum Order Value: If applicable, enter the minimum value that orders placed against this supplier should be. The value is checked when orders are placed against the supplier.
Site-Specific Ordering Options
Within the bottom section of the Ordering Details tab of a supplier, the following site-specific options are available for the site that you are logged in to:
- Account Reference: Enter the sites individual account code with the supplier. (This overrides the companywide account code, as covered in the Previous Section.)
- Order Email Address: Enter the email addresses that should populate by default when sending orders to this supplier for this site. This overrides email addresses against the Order Sent To Emails field as covered above. (If entering multiple addresses, separate with a comma.)
- Delivery Days: Enter the days of the week that this supplier delivers to this site.
Default Order Send Type: Specify the way in which orders are placed within the supplier as:
- Email: If orders are to be placed in advance via email directly from Centegra Plus.
- Telephone: If orders are to be placed externally to Centegra Plus.
- EDI: If orders are to be placed in advanced via EDI directly from Centegra Plus. This option is only available if enabled for your site and configured for your supplier.
- Order Cut Off Time: Enter the time of day that orders with this supplier must be placed to achieve agreed delivery lead times. (If defined, a countdown shows within orders.)
- Lead Time In Days: Enter the number of days it takes for orders from this supplier to get delivered. If defined along with Delivery Days (above), the Expected Date within new orders is populated based on this.
Searching Suppliers
Access the Suppliers section via: Inventory Management > Supplier Orders > Suppliers.
All suppliers are shown by default when accessing this section.
If required, you can filter the list to see specific suppliers by using the following filters within the Search panel at the top of the section:
- Name: Search based on the suppliers name (or part of).
- Show Deleted: Select whether to include suppliers marked as deleted in search results.
Select [SEARCH], and all suppliers which meet your search criteria will be listed in name order.
The suppliers list shows the following:
- Name: The name of the supplier.
- Reference: Your companies reference for the supplier.
- Phone Number: The contact telephone number for the supplier.
Deleting Suppliers
A supplier can be deleted if no longer required.
You can only delete a supplier if there are no active supplier products associated with the supplier, and only if you have rights to do so. Click Here if you do not have rights to delete but believe you should.
To delete a supplier:
- Head to Inventory Management > Supplier Orders > Suppliers.
- Locate the required supplier and select [EDIT].
Within the supplier:
- Select [DELETE].
- Confirm the deletion.
The supplier is now marked as deleted.
This is a soft delete, so the supplier can be Recovered if required.
Recovering Deleted Suppliers
To recover a deleted supplier:
- Access the Suppliers section via: Inventory Management > Supplier Orders > Suppliers.
- Perform a Search, specifically with the Show Deleted filter set to Yes.
- Locate the required supplier and select [EDIT].
Within the supplier:
- Select [UNDELETE].
- Confirm the recovery.
The supplier is now available again.
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