This article contains information on creating "standard" recipes products within Centegra Plus as part of the Inventory Management module. A "standard" recipe product is one which may be:
- A simple product containing ingredients that is sold to customers.
- A simple product containing ingredients that is used in another recipe.
- A simple product containing ingredients that is used for Recipe Adjustments.
A standard recipe does not include the scenarios listed below:
- Recipes required for kitchen production as part of the Product Preparations feature. For setting up these types of recipe product, Click Here.
- Recipes that represent batches made up as part of kitchen production (but not using the above Product Preparations feature). For setting up these products, Click Here.
- Recipes that represent yield loss/gain as part of kitchen production (but not using the Product above Preparations feature). For setting up these products, Click Here.
Creating New Recipe Products
Access/Create The Product
The method of creating the recipe at this stage depends on whether or not the product already exists:
Option 1: Creating A Recipe Against An Existing Product
If the product already exists within your product database within Centegra Plus, you simply need to update the product to become a recipe product.
To do so:
- Head to Product Management > Products.
- Perform a search to locate the required product, and then select [EDIT] then [PRODUCT].
Within the Product Details section:
- Stock Type: Change this from Other to Recipe.
- You'll then be prompted with the Product Sizing window. As this is a standard recipe, no changes are needed here, so just select [SAVE] to accept the default sizing configuration.
You'll then be taken to the products Recipe tab, where you link ingredients to the recipe as covered in the Next Stage.
Option 2: Creating A Recipe Against A Brand New Product
If the product does not already exists within your product database within Centegra Plus (because the product is not required on the POS system) create the product from scratch within Centegra Plus.
To do so:
- Head to Product Management > Products.
In the New Product page, enter:
- Long Product Name: Enter the name of the product.
- Short Product Name: Copy the name of the product into this field.
- Code: Enter your own code for the product. (If one is not required, copy the auto-generated PLU.)
- Stock Master Group: Select the master group that contains the stock group that the product should report to.
- Stock Group: Then select the stock group that the product should repot to.
- Stock Type: Select Recipe.
You'll then be taken to the products Recipe tab, where you link ingredients to the recipe as covered in the Next Stage.
Link Ingredients To The Recipe
Once the product has been saved as a Recipe type product, ingredients can be linked to the product within the Recipes tab of the product setup page.
To link an ingredient, select [NEW RECIPE ITEM].
In the blank row that is added at the bottom:
- Recipe Component: Select the ingredient from the list.
- Quantity: Enter the quantity of the ingredient in the recipe, based on the Unit Size shown.
For reference, the following information is also shown:
- Unit Cost: Displays the cost of one unit of the ingredient, based on the Unit Size shown.
- Cost Net: Displays the total net cost of the ingredient within this recipe based on the quantity.
- Type: Displays the ingredients stock type. (Ingredients can be supplied stock or other recipes.)
Repeat the process to add additional recipe ingredients.
As additional ingredients are added, the Total Cost Net will update showing you the total recipe cost.
Once all ingredients are added, select [SAVE & EXIT].
Assign Additional Settings (Optional)
Once the recipe has been configured, if required, you can:
- Access the Allergens & Nutrition tab to Assign Allergens To The Product.
- Assign any Recipe Adjustments to the recipe.
Updating Existing Recipe Products
To edit an existing standard recipe product:
- Head to Inventory Management > Products.
- Locate the required product and select [EDIT] then [PRODUCT].
Within the existing standard recipe product, you can:
- Edit Core Product Details
- Manage Ingredients Assigned To The Recipe
- Update Allergens Assigned To The Recipe
- Manage Recipe Adjustments Assigned To The Recipe
Ensure that you select [SAVE & EXIT] to save any changes before leaving the product.
Edit Core Product Details
Click Here for details on editing core product details that are not related to Inventory Management.
Manage Ingredients Assigned To The Recipe
Within the Recipe tab of a product, you can edit an existing ingredient by updating the Quantity field based on the Unit Size shown.
You can also remove an ingredient by selecting the delete icon on the relevant row.
If a new ingredient is required for the product, select [NEW RECIPE ITEM], and then in the blank row that is added at the bottom:
- Recipe Component: Select the ingredient from the list.
- Quantity: Enter the quantity of the ingredient in the recipe, based on the Unit Size shown.
For reference, the following information is also shown:
- Unit Cost: Displays the cost of one unit of the ingredient, based on the Unit Size shown.
- Cost Net: Displays the total net cost of the ingredient within this recipe based on the quantity.
- Type: Displays the ingredients stock type. (Ingredients can be supplied stock or other recipes.)
Update Allergens Assigned To The Recipe
Click Here for details on managing allergens assigned to products.
Manage Recipe Adjustments Assigned To The Recipe
Click Here for details on managing recipe adjustments assigned to recipe products.
Deleting Recipe Products
Recipe products within Centegra Plus can be marked as deleted if no longer part of Inventory.
You can only delete a product if you have rights to do so. Click Here if you do not have rights to delete but believe you should.
The process of deleting a recipe product is broken down into the following stages:
- Access The Product
- Remove Links To Recipes
- Remove Recipe Components
- Remove Recipe Adjustments (If Applicable)
- Remove The Product From Inventory
- Delete The Product (Optional)
Access The Product
To access the recipe product:
- Head to Product Management > Products
- Locate the required product and select [EDIT] then [PRODUCT].
Remove Links To Recipes
The first step is to check that no recipes are using the recipe product as an ingredient.
Within the product:
- Select the Used By Recipes tab.
- If any products show in this list, access the product(s) and remove the current recipe product as a recipe component from those product(s).
Once the recipe product is removed as an ingredient from other recipes, return to the recipe product.
Remove Recipe Components
The next step is to remove any ingredients that are linked to the recipe product:
- Select the Recipes tab.
- If any recipe components show in this list, select the delete icon against each row until all recipe components are removed.
If you need to remove any, select [SAVE & REMAIN].
Remove Recipe Adjustments (If Applicable)
Check to see if the product has any recipe adjustments applied, if recipe adjustments are used within your company's inventory setup.
Within the product setup page, scroll to the Additional Product Information section at the bottom.
To check for price level recipe adjustments:
- If any price level recipe adjustments exist, select the delete icon on the row to remove them.
To check for location recipe adjustments:
- If any location recipe adjustments exist, select the delete icon on the row to remove them.
To check for price and location recipe adjustments:
- If any price & location recipe adjustments exist, select the delete icon on the row to remove them.
Remove The Product From Inventory
The next step is to change the product stock type, so that it is no longer an inventory product:
- Access the Product Detailed tab.
- Change the Stock Type to Other.
Select [SAVE & REMAIN].
The product is now no longer considered as an inventory product.
Delete The Product (Optional)
If required, you can mark the also product as deleted. Marking a product as deleted is simply a way of archiving it. The product isn't truly deleted; it is simply hidden away in the background. This allows you to keep a clean product database containing only active products, whilst retaining the relationship between historical data and old products.
To delete the product, whilst still within the product:
- Select [DELETE].
- Confirm the deletion.
The product is now marked as deleted.
This is a soft delete, so the product can be Recovered if required.
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