Once all stock and/or cash counts have been entered into the period and, stock and/or cash period reports have been reviewed, the period can be approved.
To approve the period:
- Head to Period Management > Periods.
- Against the Pending period, select either [STOCK PERIOD] or [CASH PERIOD].
- Within the period, select [APPROVE].
The period will take a moment to run through the approval process and will then progress to the Approved state.
For sites that have the Blind Stock Counts feature enabled, at this point period reports become available and the count can be reviewed.
If you are unable to approve the period or encounter any error messages that prevent period approval, Click Here for more details.
Additional Information
Note that approving a period is the first step of closing the period. Whilst in Approved state, the period can still be Rolled Back To Pending State to make edits if required. Completing the period is the second and final step of closing the period, which locks it down indefinitely. For information on completing a period, Click Here.
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