Cash periods form an integral component of the comprehensive Periods feature.
Dedicated to the Revenue Management module, the cash periods section serves as the hub for entering end-of-period counts for cash accounts within the site. This is the focal point for reviewing and reporting on the performance of cash management throughout the designated period.
For precise record-keeping and flexibility, cash counts are logged into Cash Period Count Sheets. These sheets are customised per site, offering the flexibility to design count sheets that align with the unique counting requirements of each site. The Cash Count element of the Periods feature ensures meticulous capture of end-of-period cash counts, promoting cash security and enhancing overall financial transparency
Cash Period Count Sheet States
Information on each of the states that cash period count sheets flow through:
- Pending: The cash period count sheet is open and counts can be entered.
- Counted: The cash period count sheet is still open, but has been marked as counted to be checked so counts cannot be entered. The count sheet can be marked as Pending if changes are required.
- Approved: The cash period count sheet has been approved. Counts can no longer be entered.
- Completed: The period that the cash period count sheet is within has been completed.
Cash Period Articles
For information on cash counts within periods, see:
- Cash Period Counts: Enter & Approve
- Cash Period Counts: Results & Reporting
- Cash Period Counts: Roll Back
- Cash Period Counts: Managing Count Sheets
- Cash Period Counts: FAQs & Troubleshooting
For information on the overall Periods feature, Click Here.
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