Create The Safe Count
To create a safe count:
- Head to Revenue Management > Safe Counts.
- Select [NEW SAFE COUNT].
In the New Save Count page:
- Account: Select the site account that you are declaring a count for.
- Count Template: Select the count template from the list.
Select [SAVE].
Enter The Safe Count
Once created, enter the count into the Count Value column against each of the denominations. (Note that if the Denomination is configured to count by quantity instead, you will need to enter the quantity of notes/coins counted instead of the value.)
Repeat for each denomination until the count is complete.
Check that total is correct, then select [COUNTED].
Approve The Safe Count
Now that the safe count is in Counted state you will see information about the count as follows:
To accept any variance shown and approve the safe count, select [APPROVE].
Approving a safe count does not adjust the balance of the account, as the safe count is for reference only. If the variance suggests that the balance is incorrect, you may need to Update The Account Balance.
If you are not quite ready to approve the safe count just yet, select [SAVE] to save the safe count in Counted state, and return later to approve it.
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