Unlock the power of our Cash Up feature in Centegra Plus - a dynamic tool that transforms the mundane task of reconciling payments into an exciting and efficient process.
Picture this: You're on the verge of uncovering the magic within your transactions. The Cash Up feature goes beyond comparing expected payment totals; it's your gateway to a seamless financial adventure.
Embark on your choice of three flexible methods:
By Till: Get a close look at each till, whether it's physical or virtual, and discover its individual financial results.
By Location: Get an overview of cash results for each location, consolidating individual tills within the location, but providing a split of each location within the site.
By Site: Explore the financial details across the entire site, for a consolidated view across all tills and locations within the site.
But the excitement doesn't end there. Cash ups run consecutively, providing you the flexibility to engage in this financial journey daily, multiple times a day, or even across multiple days. For those seeking a swift cash up entry, don't miss out on the Quick Cash Up feature.
Once your cash up is approved, witness the magic unfold within our comprehensive reports. The counted values, with configurable denominations, not only reflect any variances but also:
- Update your site's Cash On Site balance, ready to be deposited into the bank later.
- Trigger the generation of Automatic Bank Deposits, ensuring your financial journey reaches its pinnacle for integrated payment types.
Turn the routine into a riveting experience—because with Centegra Plus, even financial reconciliation becomes an adventure!
Cash Up States
Information on each of the states that cash ups flow through:
- Pending: The cash up has been created and a count can be entered.
- Counted: The cash up has been entered but is not yet approved. No movements have yet occurred.
- Approved: The cash up has been approved and any variance is accepted. Counts entered have been moved into the relevant site accounts.
- Completed: The period that the cash up falls within has been completed. (If using periods.)
Cash Up Reporting
The following reports can provide information on cash ups:
Cash Up Articles
For information on using Cash Ups, see:
- Cash Up: Create
- Cash Up: Enter & Approve
- Cash Up: Search
- Cash Up: Roll Back
- Cash Up: Delete
- Cash Up: FAQs & Troubleshooting
For information on additional Cash Up features available, see:
- Information on the "Quick Cash Up" feature.
- Information on the "Auto-Generate Pending Deposits" feature.
- Information on the "Petty Cash Purchases" feature.
- Information on the "Day Notes" feature.
- Information on the "Blind Cash Up" feature.
- Information on the "Transaction Customer Assignment" feature.
- Information On The "Cash Skimming" Feature
- Information on the "Cash Up Floats" feature.
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