There are different ways to conduct a cash up. While there are various methods to choose from, it's generally recommended to stick to one method that suits your operation. For specific instructions on creating a cash up using each method:
- Create Via Centegra Plus: Standard Method
- Create Via Centegra Plus: Quick Cash Up Method
- Create Via The POS: Using The Operations Dashboard
Create Via Centegra Plus: Standard Method
This method of creating a cash up is available to all. To create a cash up:
- Head to Revenue Management > Cash Ups.
- Select [NEW CASH UP].
In the New Cash Up page, details about the previous cash ups are shown for reference.
The new cash up being created now will start when the previous cash up shown ended.
In the New Cash Up page:
- Cash Up For: Select what you about to cash up.
- Description: Alter the auto-generated description, if required.
- End Date: Select the cash up end date.
- Cash Up Count Template: Select the count template. (This will auto populate, if configured to.)
- Sales Date: Select the Sales Date that the cash up belongs to.
Now that the cash up is created, you can enter the count as covered in This Article.
Create Via Centegra Plus: Quick Cash Up Method
This method of creating a cash up is available if the Quick Cash Up feature enabled. To create a cash up:
- Head to Revenue Management > Cash Ups.
- Select [QUICK CASH UP].
If your site cashes up by individual till or individual location, select the till or location being cashed up.
The cash up will then automatically create for the next day that needs cashing up (based on the previous cash up). Check that the dates are as expected in the new cash up before committing to the count.
Now that the cash up is created, you can enter the count as covered in This Article.
Create Via The POS: Using The Operations Dashboard
A cash up can also be created via the Operations Dashboard. This method is typically used for sites that cash up each till individually at different times throughout the day.
The operations dashboard is bookmarked on each POS device for easy access. On each device required, access the Operations Dashboard and Declare Shift End to create the cash up.
Now that the cash up is created, you can enter the count as covered in This Article.