Is My iPad Charging?
The iPad charging symbol is located at the top right of the iPad.
- If your iPad is charging (or is trying to) it will show you a green battery with a lightning symbol going through it :
- If your iPad is not charging, it will display a white battery with no lightning symbol
iPad is Not Charging.
Firstly, just make sure everything is plugged in correctly before you proceed.
Possibility 1:
- As we use charging extension cables along with the original iPad charger, these can sometimes cause a bit of trouble. So first try unplugging the the extension chord from the iPad and plugging it back in again (not from the bottom, or it's corresponding plug socket, but from the iPad itself.) You may may need to unlock the iPad housing to do this.
Possibility 2:
- Sometimes the charging cables themselves can get damaged, check these cables carefully for damage and try replacing cables with known working cables to see if you can find the faulty cable in question.
- Try removing the extension cable and plugging in the original iPad cable directly into the iPad.
Possibility 3:
- Make sure the power is coming from it's own individual power source and not sharing a plug on a dual USB or USB-C plug socket.
iPad is Not Holding Charge
If you're loosing charge despite the iPad recognising it's being charged, try changing these settings on your iPad when your iPad is on at least 50% battery power:
- Head over to the iPad Settings
- Within the setting on the left select General, then select Background App Refresh on the right
- Turn Background App Refresh OFF by selecting the indicated button if green.
- On the left hand menu, now select Display & Brightness
- Under Appearance select Dark
- Under Brightness, drag and hold the slider bar as far left as you can, but so the screen can still be seen. (The brightness is one of the biggest drainers of the battery)
- Give your iPad some time to see if it begin to charge up.