Customer tags are used when multiple people need to charge to the same customer account. For instance, a family on holiday might use wristbands that all charge to a single customer account, or a business may provide charge cards to each employee that are linked to one customer account.
Customer tags are managed within the customer account:
- Head to Customers & Loyalty > Customers.
- Locate the required customer and select [EDIT].
- Select the Tags tab.
Managing Existing Customer Tags
Any customer tags already assigned against the customer are listed within the Tags section of the customer account page, where the list displays:
- Customer Tag: The unique code against the customer tag.
- Status: Shows whether or not the tag is currently active.
You can use the [Enabled Tags] / [All Tags] switch to toggle between showing only enabled tags in the list, or both enabled and previously disabled tags.
Against each tag, the option to [Enable] or [Disable] is shown where appropriate.
Adding Customer Tags
To add a new customer tag against a customer, either:
- Enter the customer tag code into the Customer Tag field and select [ADD TAG].
- If your device has a camera, select [SCAN TAG] and scan the QR code on the customers physical tag. (You may need to confirm to allow Centegra Plus to access your devices camera.)
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