This article contains a summary of recent Centegra Plus updates released throughout June 2024.
In some cases, new features may be user rights protected and your company's Centegra Plus administrator may need to Update User Roles to grant access to these new features.
For more information on any of these updates, Contact Centegra.
Reports & Analysis |
Inventory Management |
User Management |
Customers & Loyalty |
Miscellaneous |
Reports & Analysis
New Report: Day Part Sales
The Day Part Sales report offers valuable insights into key sales metrics segmented by different parts of the day, categorised using reporting Day Part Types, either consolidated or on a daily basis within the selected date range.
Further analysis allows for a detailed comparison of product sales across key parts of the day, such breakfast, lunch, and dinner services
It also provides an insight into remote order transaction performance throughout each day part too, to keep tabs on delivery and mobile order transactions during each service.
For more information on this report, check out This Article.
New Dashboard Widget: Payments Received
Within the Dashboard Views builder, the new Payments Received widget provides a summary of payments received during the day. This can be consolidated for your site, or it can be split into sections per location, or per till, as required. Widget settings also allow you to filter out specific payment types too, if you only need to focus on specific payment types.
If its data you're after, the widget can display payment data in a table like so:
Otherwise, for those preferring visual information, the widget can display payments proportionally within a chart like so:
For more information on this widget, and all other available dashboard views widgets, Click Here.
New Dashboard Widget: Price Level Sales Comparison
Within the Dashboard Views builder, the new Price Level Sales Comparison widget provides insight into sales and customer count per price level, or for a higher-level view, per price level type.
If its data you're after, the widget can display price level totals in a table with an average spend per price level available along with sales proportion too, like so:
Otherwise, for those preferring visual information, the widget can display sales and customer count per price level in a chart like so:
For more information on this widget, and all other available dashboard views widgets, Click Here.
Inventory Management
Internal Order Reference Within Purchasing Reports
Within the Purchasing Analysis report, your internal reference for the order is now available against the "Our Order Ref" column when analysing product-level purchasing with the data.
User Management
User Invitations & Setting Passwords
When creating new users, you no longer need to specify and send over a password.
Once created, the new user will be sent an email which will invite them to access Centegra Plus for the first time and set up their own new password.
Within the users account you can see if the invitation has been accepted or is still pending.
More information on this update is available in This Announcement.
Customers & Loyalty
Management Of Customer Tags (e.g. Guest Wristbands) Now Available
In situations where guest charging integrations are in place, customer tags can now be managed against the customer account within the Centegra Plus back office.
New tags can be assigned against the customer on their behalf by entering the tag code, or scanning the QR code on the tag where appropriate. And existing tags can be disabled if lost or no longer required.
For more information, check out This Article.
Menu Navigation Improvements On Mobile
We've made improvements to the menus when accessing Centegra Plus on mobile devices to improve navigation and reduce the screen space taken by the menus when not in use.
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