Combos - Discount Amount, New Price, Price Level
Combos - Volume Discount
Using Volume Discount Combos at the POS
Combos - Discount Amount, New Price, Price Level
1. Go to the Configuration menu – Combos.
2. Click on the + to add a new combo.
3. Enter a name for the combo.
4. For Activation, currently the only option is Manual. This means the attendant presses a key on
the menu to sell the combo.
5. The Active box is ticked by default. If you need to deactivate it, untick the box.
1. Choose Combination as the Type.
2. The Discount Type options are %. Discount Amount, New Price, and Price Level. Enter the value
of the discount %, discount amount, or new price in the Value field.
1. Click the + to add the options for this combo. You can add several options of the same or
different types.
2. Enter a name that represents the option—for example, main selection, dessert, flavour, etc.
3. Press the 'Edit' (Pencil) Button to change the type.
The Type can be:
a. Free text – opens a keyboard to type a selection
b. Multiple selection – allows multiple products to be chosen from a list
c. Single selection – allows one product to be chosen from a list (Common choice for
d. Yes/no – provides the option to answer yes or no
4. Sort Order – if there are several options to select from, for example a burger and a beer, the
sort order determines the order the options appear on the screen.
5. The Data Type can be;
a. Category – a category of products created in Products-Categories. Products may
have costs associated with them, and decrement from inventory.
b. Family – a family of products created in Products – Families. Products may have
costs associated with them, decrement from inventory, and belong to multiple
Choose the family or category from the drop-down menu, or add a new one by clicking the
ellipsis (…) to the right of the drop-down arrow.
Default Selection - select the most frequently chosen product. When the Combo is
purchased, the option defaults to this choice, but can be changed.
Note that clicking the drop-down menu for the Default Selection is a quick way to see all
products assigned to the selected family or category.
Maximum quantity – the maximum amount of each product that can be selected, not the
total that can be selected. For example, if you have three choices with a maximum quantity
of 2, you can select 2 of each choice listed.
6. To force a selection from an option when the product is sold, tick the Required box.
Display – determines how the price of the combo is reported
a. Apply discount to items – an equal portion of the discount is applied to each item in
the combo
b. Record discounted amount – the total discount is recorded against the combo
c. Record new total – the new value is recorded against the combo product
Limit – limits the number of times this combo is purchased per Sale or per entry
Threshold – allows a threshold value to be placed on the combo by price or by a quantity
Add a Combo Product for the Menu
1. Go to the Products menu to add the combo product that will be added to the menu. The
setup of the product follows all the standard steps with just a couple of differences.
2. Choose Combo as the product type.
3. The combo product can have a selling price associated with it.
Note - If you set a value in the discount %, discount amount, or new price in the combo
configuration, that value will override any pricing entered here.
4. In the Settings tab, select the combo for this product in the POS Combo and Patron Combo
fields. Only Combos created in Configuration are listed.
Add the Combo to POS menu
1. Go to POS Setup – Menus
2. Open the menu that requires the combo.
3. On the Definition tab, add a product by clicking the +
4. Select the combo product created in Step 3 from the drop-down menu.
Combos - Volume Discount
Please note, this requires mvPOS 3.13 or later.
A volume discount combo type is a specific type of discount that is applied when customers purchase a combination of items in large quantities. This document will provide you with information about volume discount combo types, including how to set it up and use it at the POS.
A Volume Discount Combo applies a certain discount per item purchased.
For example, buy 4 Beers to receive a discount of 10% per item. Alternatively, this could be used to create tiered discounts based on quantity breaks, buy 4 or more donuts and receive 15% off each donut; buy 8 or more and receive 20% off each one.
This Combo type could also be used to define discounts which apply based the cost of applicable items in a sale, for example, spend $100 on selected items and receive 10% off.
How to Configure a Volume Discount Combo
Navigate to Products -> Families -> Then press the + sign
Select the Name * field and enter a descriptive label for the new Family.
Select the required Group, Category or Products that the Combo will apply to.
Select Save.
To create the Combo definition, Click on Configuration
Select Combos.
Create a new Combo by clicking on the + (Add New).
Select the Name * field and enter a descriptive label for the new Combo.
From the Activation * drop-down select either:
Auto¹ - The rule applies to the transaction as soon as the criteria for validation are met.
Manual - The rule will apply if the items in the transaction meet the validation criteria, but only if the user selects an additional combo product key.
¹Auto is the recommended Activation method
Click on the Type * drop-down and select Volume
Select the applicable Discount Type * from the drop-down.
% - The discount will be a percentage off the applicable items once the validation criteria have been met. e.g. 10% off Beer when 4 or more are purchased in a single transaction.
Discount Amount - The discount will be a dollar value off each applicable item. e.g. Receive $5 off each bottle when you buy any 6 bottles of wine.
New Price - The discount will be a completely new price on each applicable item. e.g. Donuts $3, or $2 each when you buy 5 or more.
Price Level² - When the rule is validated, a new price level is applied to the applicable items.
² Price Level Discount Type requires development and is not functional.
Select the applicable Validation Type from the drop-down.
- Quantity - The number of applicable items that need to be added to the transaction to trigger the discount. e.g. Buy x amount and get the applicable discount, where x is the Quantity.
- Price - When the value of the applicable items hits the validation amount, the selected Discount Type will be applied. e.g. Spend $20 on selected items and get 10% off.
Select the Family * drop-down and click on the Family defined in steps 1 to 5.
Check on or off Apply between stages as required.
If checked on³, once the Validation Value has been reached, the discount value will apply perpetually to any applicable items subsequently added. e.g. Buy 4 or more...
If left unchecked, the discount value will only apply to applicable items each time the Validation Value is met. e.g. Buy any lot of 4...
³ This option does not change the behaviour when using New Price discount in conjunction with the Price validation.
Check on or off Apply high to low as required.
If checked on⁴, the combo will be applied across the applicable items with the highest cost to lowest.
If left unchecked, the combo will apply across the lowest priced applicable items, from lowest to highest.
⁴ This option does not change the behaviour when using New Price discount in conjunction with the Price validation.
Create a new Validation Value field by clicking on the + (Add New)
Enter the applicable Validation and Volume Discount Values as determined by the specific validation rule you wish to create. e.g. for a buy 4 get 20% off, the Discount Type would be set to % and the Validation Type would be set to Quantity. The Validation Value would be 4 and the Volume Discount Value would be 20.
If you wish to create a tiered option to apply, simply add additional Validation Value fields as required. e.g. Buy 2 get 10% off, Buy 5 get 25% off would require two fields with the applicable fields completed, 2 and 10 in the first and 5 and 25 in the second.
To create the relevant combo product to report against and enable at the POS, expand the Product options.
Select Products.
Create a new Product by clicking on the + (Add New).
The Code will autogenerate or can be defined as required. Click on Name * and enter a descriptive name for the relevant combo product.
Click on Type and select Combo from the drop-down.
Ensure that the Sellable option is checked on.
Select the Settings tab.
Select the relevant Category from the drop-down or create a new one by clicking the ... (ellipses).
Select the relevant GL Code (sellable) * from the drop-down or create a new one by clicking the ... (ellipses).
Select the applicable Combo from the POS Combo drop-down to use at the POS, and/or the Patron Combo on mvMobile⁵.
⁵ Combo functionality for mvMobile requires development and is not functional.
Select Save.
Using Volume Discount Combos at the POS
Ensure that the Combo Product created in steps 19 to 29 is added to a Family that is linked to the Location. Any products that the combo applies to should also be included in this Family.
In Locations, select the applicable Location and click on the Options tab.
From the Family Validation drop-down select Hide Items. This will allow the Combo product to be enabled when the validation rule is satisfied, but not be a selectable product from the Menu. Select Save.
Ensure the applicable Products have been added to the Menus where required.
Push a Full Firebase Update.
At the POS, selecting any of the applicable products that meet the criteria for a validation rule will result in the Volume Discount Combo triggering and adding the relevant Combo product to the sale.
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