Efficient user management lies at the core of an optimised Centegra Plus experience, with the Users tool in the User Management section playing a pivotal role. Whether you're well-versed in user management or just getting started, a solid grasp of the nuances of the Users section is key.
This guide acts as your all-in-one reference, providing insights and solutions tailored to the Users section within User Management. Our aim is to simplify any potential complexities, enabling you to fully utilise this tool for effective control over user access and permissions throughout Centegra Plus.
If you can't find what you're looking for, Click Here to get in touch with Centegra. We're here to assist.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I See Which Users Have Specific Rights & Permissions? |
Can A User Account Access Multiple Companies Within Centegra Plus? |
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Update User Access To Sites?
The sites that a user can access are determined by their individual user account.
Please note that Centegra are unable to update site access on your behalf. These changes are managed within the User Management section by Centegra Plus admins within your company.
To update access to sites against a user:
- Head to User Management > Users, locate the required user and select [EDIT].
- Within the user account, select the Site Access tab.
If you are adding a new site to the user:
- Select [SHOW ALL SITES] to list every site that you as a user administrator have access to yourself.
- Enable the relevant checkbox(es) in the Access Allowed column, and select [SAVE].
If you are removing a site from the user:
- Disable the relevant checkbox(es) in the Access Allowed column, and select [SAVE].
- Note that you will not be able to deselect the site if the checkbox is orange, as this site is the users login default site. If you need to remove access to this site too:
- Change the users Default Site within the User Detail tab and select [SAVE & REMAIN].
- Then, return to the Site Access tab to remove access.
How Do I Update User Rights & Permissions?
When it comes to updating user rights and permissions, there are two options:
Please note that Centegra are unable to update user rights and permissions on your behalf. These changes are managed within the User Management section by Centegra Plus admins within your company.
Reassign A User To A New Role
If an individual users access requirements have changed (e.g. due to a change in role or department), you can reassign the user to a different user role.
To do this:
- Head to User Management > Users, locate the required user and select [EDIT].
- Within the user, select the required User Role from the list and select [SAVE].
The permissions for this user are now updated.
Update A User Role To Add/Remove Rights
Occasionally you may need to update the access rights against existing user roles that affects all users assigned to that role. For example, if a New Feature becomes available, or if your company subscribes to a new module within Centegra Plus.
For details on updating the rights defined within existing user roles, Click Here.
How Do I See Which Users Can Access A Specific Site?
Within Centegra Plus, the sites that each user has access to is determined by each users individual configuration. If you need to see a list of all users that currently have access to a specific site:
- Head to User Management > Users and access the search filters at the top.
- Select the site within the Site list and select [SEARCH].
All users that currently have access to the selected site will be listed in the search results.
How Do I See Which Users Have Specific Rights & Permissions?
Within Centegra Plus, rights and permissions that users have are based on the role that their individual user account is assigned to. If you need to see a list of all users that are currently to a specific user role:
- Head to User Management > Users and access the search filters at the top.
- Select the user role within the Role list and select [SEARCH].
All users that are currently assigned to the selected user role will be listed in the search results.
If you need to see rights and permissions defined with the selected user role, see User Roles.
Can New Sites Automatically Add Into User Site Access?
For organisations managing numerous sites and users within Centegra Plus, the process of adding a new site for user access can be time-consuming. To streamline this, consider activating the Auto Add Sites option within a designated User Role.
By enabling this option for a user role, all existing and future sites will be automatically included in the site access list for users assigned to that role. Newly added sites become accessible to users the next time they log in to Centegra Plus.
Please note:
- Enable this feature only for user roles intended for individuals needing access to all sites.
- It may take up to 30 minutes for the user's site access list to update with new sites.
- If a site is manually removed from a user's access list, this feature will automatically re-add it.
Can A User Account Access Multiple Companies Within Centegra Plus?
Each user account in Centegra Plus needs a unique email address. This means you can only use one email to log in to a single company. However, if you need access to multiple companies, you can assign an Alias Email Address to your other user accounts.
To access additional company accounts, you can use a dummy email address for login, as long as you also assign an Alias Email Address against the user account. This Alias Email Address is where outbound emails, like password resets or scheduled reports, will be sent to from Centegra Plus. You can set up the Alias Email Address when creating the user account
I've Forgotten My Password.
If you've forgotten your password, Click Here for details on how to reset it.
I'm Unable To Log Into Centegra Plus.
If you are unable to log into Centegra Plus, follow the steps below:
Check The Website Is Correct
Centegra Plus has two websites. Check that you are accessing the correct one:
- For Europe, use www.centegraplus.com
- For North America, use www.centegraplus.us
Check Login Credentials Are Correct
When trying to log in, if you see the message below, your login credentials are incorrect. Check that your login email and password have been entered correctly. If you still get the message, you'll need to Reset Your Password.
Your User Account Is Disabled
When trying to log in, if you see the message below, your user account has been disabled. Contact a Centegra Plus user management administrator within your company.
Your Company Account Is Disabled.
When trying to log in, if you see the message below, it means that your companies Centegra Plus account has been disabled. If you require access, Contact Centegra.
My User Invitation Has Expired.
When following the link within the email received with your account invitation, you may get a message stating the the invitation link has expired like so:
There are two reasons why this may occur:
- The invitation was not accepted within 7-days of being sent. In this case, contact your company user administrator who can resend a new invitation for you.
- The invitation has already been accepted and a password has been set. If you can't remember the password, follow steps to Reset Your Password.
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