Processing a Refund
To process a refund, press the 'My Venue' logo in the top left of the screen.
This will show a drop down menu, from here press 'Refund'
Depending on your requirements, you may have refunds password protected. In this case you would enter the password you assigned to refunds in the back office.
Once you have entered the password, or if you did not have refunds password protected, you will see this screen.
Selecting 'Standard Order' and pressing 'OK' will show you the main POS screen in refund mode.
You can select items as you would normally, however in this case what ever you enter the total will be refunded, this is shown as a negative total.
Once you have selected the items to refund, you may then choose the media to refund the same way you would take payment normally.
(Please Note: it is best practice to refund the customer via the same media as they paid. This is the Law in the UK, however other countries may differ.)
You will then be asked if you are sure you wish to proceed with the refund, and the amount to be refunded will be displayed.
Once the refund is complete, you will be automatically logged out, and returned to the login screen.
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