Effective inventory management is a cornerstone of successful businesses, and the Supplier Orders feature stands out as a pivotal element in this realm. Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or a newcomer navigating the business landscape, comprehending the nuances of supplier orders is paramount.
This guide serves as your go-to resource for frequently asked questions (FAQs) and troubleshooting tips related to the Supplier Orders feature within the Inventory Management module. We're here to demystify any uncertainties you may encounter, ensuring you can leverage the full potential of this inventory management tool. Let's streamline the intricacies of placing stock orders with suppliers and empower your business to flourish through efficient Inventory Management.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Order Non-Inventory Items From Suppliers?
Typically, products received from suppliers are used as ingredients within recipes, and are therefore set up as a Supplied type product within Centegra Plus which is then available throughout all areas of the Inventory Management (e.g. transfers, wastage) and requires counting at the end of each period.
In situations where a product is purchased from suppliers but the product is not required throughout the Inventory Management, an Other type product can be configured for purchasing. This is particularly useful if placing supplier orders for items such as cleaning equipment, stationery and so on. To allow purchasing, Other type products that are required for purchasing must be assigned to a product group that is configured for overhead purchasing.
To configure this there are two elements:
Product Group Configuration
Typically, overhead purchasing products are contained within one group (or just a couple). If you already have a group configured for overhead purchasing products and are just looking to create more products within that group, you can skip to the Overhead Product Configuration section.
There are two steps to confiding the overhead purchasing product group.
Step 1 - Create An Overhead Account
If a new product group is required, first create an overhead purchasing account:
- Head to Company Settings > Accounts Setup > Chart Of Accounts.
In the New Chart Account page:
- Code: Enter a unique code for the account.
- Name :Enter a name for the account.
- Type: Select Overhead Accounts.
- Group :Select System.
Select [SAVE].
Step 2 - Create The Overhead Purchasing Product Group
The the next step is to create the group itself:
- Head to Product Management > Product Groups > Product Groups.
In the New Product Group page:
- Name: Enter a name for the group.
- Master Group: Select the master group that the group should be assigned to.
- Purchase Account: Select this as the account created in the previous step.
Select [SAVE].
The product group is now ready for overhead purchasing; any Other type product that gets added to this group and has an active supplier can be ordered.
Overhead Product Configuration
There are two steps to confiding the overhead purchasing product group.
Step 1 - Create The Product
To add new overhead purchasing products within an existing overhead purchasing product group:
- Head to Product Management > Products.
In the new product page:
- Product Name: Enter the name of the product into both the long and short name fields.
- Product Code :Enter a code for this product. (If no code is required, copy the PLU into this field.)
- Stock Master Group: Select the master group that the overhead product group lives within.
- Stock Group: Select the overhead purchasing product group.
- Stock Type: Select Other.
Once entered, select [CREATE & ADD MORE DETAIL].
Step 2 - Link The Supplier To The Product
Finally, link the supplier product within the Suppliers tab of the product setup page.
The process of doing so is the same as if the product was a Supplied type product.
For more details on this process, Click Here.
A Product Has The Incorrect Cost In The Order
When placing or receiving a supplier order, if you notice that a products cost is incorrect within Centegra Plus, the way in which you can update the costs depends on whether the cost is set as contracted or not within the Supplier Product Setup.
If the product cost is not set as contracted, simply edit the cost directly within the supplier order, against the Unit Price column.
If the product cost is set as contracted, the cost in the Unit Price field of an order cannot be edited and so the cost will need to be updated directly within the product setup by an Inventory Management administrator within your company.
The Product I Need To Order Is Not Listed
When creating a supplier order, the following Inventory Products are available to select:
- Any Supplied type products that have an "Enabled" supplier product linked to the supplied product for the selected supplier.
- Any Other type products that are configured for overhead purchasing.
You can type to search for products in this list using any part of the supplier product name.
If you are unable to locate the require product(s), contact your company's Inventory Management administrator.
A Supplier Has Not Received An Order Email
If your supplier advises that they have not received your order via email, and you believe that the [EMAIL ORDER] option was used when placing the order:
- First, check to confirm that the order is in Ordered state.
- Next, check with the supplier to ensure that the email has not been treated as spam/junk, or has not been misplaced within their email inbox.
- Finally, check with the supplier to ensure that they are able to receive emails from noreply@centegraplus.com. In some cases, the supplier may need to whitelist this address.
If none of the above options explain the missing order email, Contact Centegra with details of the order and we can investigate further for you.
To reduce the risk of error when placing supplier order emails, it is recommended that:
- The suppliers email address is stored against the supplier within Supplier Setup in Centegra Plus.
- The sites email address is stored against the site within Site Setup in Centegra Plus.
By storing the email addresses above, the email addresses will populate by default when preparing to send the order via email from Centegra Plus.
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