Introduction |
Adding A Menu Category |
Removing A Menu Category |
A menu comprises a selection of products, with each product neatly assigned to a specific category. This categorisation not only streamlines the menu but also enhances the browsing experience for customers on the menu platform.
This article delves into effective strategies for managing the categories within a menu, ensuring a user-friendly and well-organized presentation.
Adding A Menu Category
To add a new category into a menu:
- Head to Menu Management > Menu Builder.
- Against the relevant menu, select [MENU DESIGNER].
Within the Categories section of the menu designer, select [NEW CATEGORY].
In the new row added against within Categories section:
- Category Name: Enter a name for the category. This must be unique within the menu.
- Sales Description: Enter a description for the category, if applicable.
Then select [CREATE].
The menu category will be added at the end of the menu category list, but can be moved to elsewhere in the list using the drag-and-drop icon on the righthand side of the row.
Editing A Menu Category
An existing menu category can be edited if required.
There are various options available when it comes to editing menu categories:
Updating Core Category Settings
To update core settings against a category within a menu:
- Head to Menu Management > Menu Builder.
- Against the relevant menu, select [MENU DESIGNER].
Within the Categories section of the menu designer, against the relevant category select [EDIT].
Against the category, the following options are available to edit:
- Category Name: Enter a name for the category. This must be unique within the menu.
- Sales Description: Enter a description for the category, if applicable.
To save any changes, select [SAVE].
Additionally, the order of categories displayed can be changed using the drag-and-drop icon on the righthand side of each row.
Updating Category Modifier Groups
Category modifier groups can be used to speed up the menu building process. If modifiers are assigned to a category, then when adding a new product into that category, the modifier group setup of that product will automatically populate based on that of the category. You can still adjust the modifier group setup of the product being added though if this is different to those assigned to the category.
To update modifier groups assigned against a category within a menu:
- Head to Menu Management > Menu Builder.
- Against the relevant menu, select [MENU DESIGNER].
Within the Categories section of the menu designer, against the relevant category select [MODIFIERS].
In the Add Modifier Groups window:
- Modifier Groups: Select the required modifier groups to assign to the category.
- Use the drag-and-drop icons to order the selected modifier groups as required.
Then select [SAVE].
The [REASSIGN MODIFIER GROUPS] options is also available within this window.
Select this to update the modifier group assignment of all products within this category to match the modifier group assignment of the category. You'll need to confirm this action, as it cannot be undone. You can still adjust the modifier group setup of individual products within the category after doing this if required.
For more information on modifier groups, Click Here.
Updating Category Images
To update the image assigned against a category within a menu:
- Head to Menu Management > Menu Builder.
- Against the relevant menu, select [MENU DESIGNER].
Within the Categories section of the menu designer, against the relevant category select:
- [UPLOAD IMAGE] to upload an image against the category for the first time, or
- [EDIT IMAGE] to view the existing image against the category and edit it if required.
Within the Upload New Image window, either:
- Select [CHOOSE FILE] to upload an image from your device;
- Enter an Image URL if you host the image publicly elsewhere.
- Select [DELETE] to remove the image from the category.
Note: It is not possible to upload an image against a category as well as an image URL. You must choose one or the other.
Removing A Menu Category
A category can be removed from a menu if no longer required, but only if no products are assigned to the category within the menu.
To remove a category from a menu:
- Head to Menu Management > Menu Builder.
- Against the relevant menu, select [MENU DESIGNER].
Within the Categories section of the menu designer:
- Locate the required category and select [DELETE].
- Confirm the deletion.
The category is no longer available against the menu.
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