NCR Silver Pro and Aloha Cloud both output a report at the end of a POS financial shift when the user goes throught the end shift process. These are only for sales which have completed on the POS not integrations that go straight into Centegraplus
The user can also print a shift end report during a shift as a preview by pressing the three lines in the top left of the screen on the home screen;
and choosing the relavant shift option to display your current shift. You can then press the (i) to the left of your financial shift to print a in-shift progress report.
Via either closing your shift and receiving the POS shift report, or printing a midshift report as above the Report that outputs is displayed as follows;
Notes: The Cash Owed by the clerk to the restaurant is calculated either by the Cash takings by the clerk OR the Cash takings by the clerk, with the Credit Card Tips and Gratuities subtracted from the Owed Cash.
This is dependant on the store settings in the backoffice.
The Example report has this tick box selected so;
Cash Payments = 209.87
Credit Card Tips = -14.50
Gratuity = -7.14
Paid in/Out = -5.00
Cash Owed = 183.23
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