You are able to check the temperature of individual KMS if you are discovering that the units are running hot to the touch or are reduce CPU speed due to too hot.
If you see the picture below this means that your KMS is running too hot and Centegra would advise moving the unit away from any direct heat.
To check the temperature of a PiKS unit enter the IP address of the KMS into the web browser (any modern browser is fine) and go to the red diagnostics button on the web interface.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and you should see the temperature field with the number next to it, this number is the degrees celsius, in the example below this is 74.10C
This can also be done on the physical screen by press the Logwood logo -> Setting -> System Info and checking the temperature field.
We would recommend the temperature of the KMS units be below 80 degrees celsius.
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